Chapter 1: The Hissing Owl

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1992 | Marauder Mansion, Borough of Islington, London

Cheerful laughter resonated through the halls of a magically concealed building where a grim home once stood. A red rubber ball came from around one corner, bouncing off the parallel walls before rolling to a stop. A large black blur suddenly sped by and lunged to trap the bouncy toy within the grasp of its jaws. It was Sirius, though his current form was more so known as Padfoot. He faced the end of the hallway and sat back, patiently waiting for his companion. This happened to be Ashley, his precious Bambi, who praised him like he wanted her to for winning their game of fetch. She laughed and gave him a belly rub when he flopped down on his back. Feeling satisfied, he eventually stood and padded away with her trailing behind him. He bounded into the living room area where he was met with an exasperated Remus. The werewolf had warned the Animagus time and time again that he was to play outside where there was proper space. However, Remus visibly lost his frown, it being replaced by a soft smile, when he caught sight of their ever so lovely cub.

"Bambi, what have I told the two of you?" He chided, attempting to school his expression.

"To not play inside... Sorry, Remy. We got a bit bored." Ashley grinned sheepishly.

"...How can I ever stay mad at you?" Remus sighed, fondly gazing at her.

He watched the fascinating way her eyes lit up with joy as she beamed. That response was always so fascinating; no matter how much it happened around him. If he was asked to name his most favorite feature of Ashley's, it'd be them, her eyes. Oh, those brilliant eyes of hers. They spoke volumes of her emotions. When she was happy, they brightened tenfold than their typical glow. When she was sad, they dimmed in color with no spark to be found. When she was mad... Now, that was definitely a sight that never failed to enrapture those who were fortunate (or if the anger was aimed at them, unfortunate) enough to witness the phenomenon. Killing Curse green eyes, already intimidating with its odd, bright shade, gained a threatening blaze in them paired with a murderous look that could wither the confidence of even the fiercest Death Eater, maybe Voldemort himself. And just imagine during that, her aura radiated with the power nobody would expect from such a young girl. It made Moony shiver, even though he was well aware that his cub would never hurt him any way, shape, or form. Her eyes made her an open book for everyone to read. Well, everyone who paid attention to their changes, that is.



"When are we leaving?"

Right... Remus knew he forgot something. The three of them, along with the rest of the Weasleys plus Mitchelle, were to travel to the Romanian dragon sanctuary where the second eldest Weasley child worked. After that, Ashley and Mitchelle were spending a whole seven days staying at the Burrow. Both Sirius and Remus had wanted to complain but they didn't want to stop their Bambi from spending time and having fun with her friends just because they would miss her terribly. It was only one week after all, what was that compared to the rest of her life (not counting her six years left at Hogwarts)? She lived with them, and she would always come home to them.

"Not for a while longer. Have you got everything you need for the week?"

"Yep, all packed."

It had been a hassle to get everything ready but Ashley had managed. Her wardrobe size had increased drastically. She had more clothes that she could ever want, and they all were newly bought. She also had new glasses which resembled her past ones. This was all due to the minor accident she had while talking with her soul-bonded. She had let her secret slip about her transfigured hand-me-downs. That had inspired a very...colorful rant from Sirius. Ashley had learnt many useful words that day, words that had unquestionably described the Dursleys and Dumbledore fully.

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