Chapter 14: Whole

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Just two weeks before Christmas break, deep in Hogwarts' dungeons, Ashley sat on a tall stool in Snape's personal potions laboratory. Crossing one leg over the other, she watched the stoic Potions Master glide around the room, mechanically switching between three cauldrons. The cauldron carried varying potions with equally varying colors and consistencies. However, as important as they individually were, Snape paid special attention to the one situated in front of Ashley. The potion, reflective and luminous, was a pale white with streaks of barely noticeable silver while smelling subtly sweet, like a flower. It was the long-awaited Elixir of Life, exactly a month in the making, just as Snape's book had instructed.

"It's almost done. It only needs the last ingredient. Miss Potter, if you will?"

Hopping off her stool, Ashley wandlessly summoned a small knife to her hand as she approached the cauldron. She cut a small wound along her forefinger and hovered it above the cauldron, moving it only when precisely three drops of blood had been added to the potion. The blood stained the white liquid until it eventually faded as if it hadn't been there in the first place. Snape then stepped forward and secured a small portion of the Elixir in a small, clear flask, sealing it off with a cork.

"Thanks for this, Professor." Ashley smiled, pocketing the flask as it was handed to her.

"There's no need to thank me, Miss Potter." Snape drawled.

"But there is!" Ashley stubbornly protested, "I know you haven't been quite the biggest fan of Tom since my mother died, but you're still helping him, and you're helping me so... Thanks."

"It's the right thing to do." Snape muttered, turning away.

"And for what it's worth," He continued quietly, "I no longer blame the Dark Lord for her death. I am...content with knowing that I will be contributing to Dumbledore's downfall."

Ashley didn't miss how his somber tone took on a more bitter one as he mentioned the Hogwarts headmaster. She silently slipped out of the room, leaving Snape alone with his thoughts. Through the shortcuts the castle provided her, she reached Gryffindor tower in no time. She headed up to her dorm room and plopped down her bed, just in time to witness Hedwig fly in. It was like the snowy owl had sensed Ashley's need for her, which was just very convenient for the Potter Heiress. It meant that she didn't have to travel all the way to the owlery anymore.

"Hey, girl." She greeted affectionately, "Mind sending something home for me?"

To answer her owl's curious head tilt, she opened her trunk with a flick of her wrist and levitated from it two nearly identical objects. They were mirrors, two new ones the Potter Heiress had created overnight. One was embedded with a black star diopside, the other with amber, perfect for her two soul-bonded. She placed both in a small box, alongside a short note for instructions, before sending it off with Hedwig. Minutes after the owl disappeared into the distance, Ashley grabbed her own mirror and contacted the very reason for the Elixir she'd risked her life to make.

"What do you want?" Tom snapped, glaring through the glass.

"You know, if you're going to act like a prat, then I guess I won't tell you the good news." Ashley huffed.

"I...apologize. It has been a very stressful day." Tom sighed, aggravated.

"I know exactly what'll cheer you up." Ashley grinned.

She rummaged through her pocket and came up with the Elixir, enthusiastically presenting it to the Dark Lord whose mouth nearly dropped open.

"Is that...?"

"Yep. It's finally done."

"Get ready. I'm sending you a portkey."

"I'll be waiting!"

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