Chapter 12: Life's Grove

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Life's Grove, Realm of the Celestials

The first thing Ashley felt when she regained awareness of reality was the constant humming of her magic. Everything else came second. The Potter Heiress knew that she was laying on the ground somewhere atop the softest grass blades she'd ever felt, which meant that she wasn't in the Forbidden Forest anymore. When she was conscious enough to open her eyes, her green orbs met the brilliant night sky littered with twinkling stars. There were no clouds in sight, nothing to conceal the crescent moon. It was truly a magnificent sight to behold. Granted, the view up in the Astronomy was something akin to that but there was something different about it, something oddly more...magical.

"Ashley! Ashley!"

Blinking sluggishly, Ashley slowly sat up and turned her head towards the hissed shouts she recognized were from her familiar. She was barely upright before a full-grown Moko was hurling himself in her arms, sending them both back to the ground. She didn't understand why he seemed so eager for close contact until she sensed the anxiety he felt through their bond, all because of the fact that they'd been separated unwillingly. It made sense then why he had his body wrapped around hers in such a firm grip, not enough to hurt her but enough to ensure that she couldn't leave his hold.

"Are you alright, little one? Does anything hurt?" He asked, seemingly looking her over for any injuries.

"I'm fine, Moko. Just a little dizzy." The Potter Heiress assured, petting his scales comfortingly.

"I got so worried when I woke up and you weren't there with me!"

"I'm right here, it's alright."

Standing to her feet, Ashley carefully adjusted Moko's position so that they were both comfortable. She then spent the next few moments taking in her surroundings. The trees stood tall and proud with their multicolored leaves shimmering under the moonlight and dancing with the chill breeze. This coupled with the mist of magic weaving through the air, the sight was just as beautiful as it had been in Ashley's dream.

"I can't believe it..." She trailed off, awed.

"Is this the place you dreamed about?" Moko tilted his head questioningly.

Nodding silently, Ashley stopped her marveling in favor of figuring out the way to her destination. In her dream, a Patronus-like creature had been the one to guide her to the Tree of Life. She figured that without any help, she would find herself lost and going around in circles. However, it seemed like the creature had no intention of showing up. Ashley had theorized that the creature was a part of herself, her own Patronus. If she was right, that meant that it couldn't show up since she had not yet learned to cast the charm to summon it. What was she to do now?

"I see you've finally found your way to my home."

Instantly recognizing the voice, Ashley whirled around and gasped at who she saw. It was her, the woman made of light. She was real, and she was right there! The woman looked exactly as she did the first time Ashley had seen her. Long lavender hair, a deep purple dress, non-existent yet somehow still defined facial features... The woman, goddess, deity, whatever she was, looked just as exquisite as the image ingrained in Ashley's mind.

"It's you!" The Potter Heiress exclaimed.

"Why yes, it is me. Do you know who I am?" The woman asked, sounding amused.

"I... No, I don't." Ashley shook her head.

"No need to sound so apologetic," The woman waved off, "I didn't think you would."

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