Chapter 16: Familiar

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Ashley and Sirius stood off to the side, huddled close as they watched Narcissa hover over Henrik. The Malfoy matriarch waved her wand above the unconscious body, casting all kinds of diagnostics spells. She was quite skilled, needing to be in order to look after all the Death Eaters, so she didn't take too long. Nodding to herself, she pocketed her wand and turned to Sirius and Ashley. The latter could only admire how professional the woman was being. Narcissa had arrived with her Mediwitch bag and had immediately gotten to work. There were no questions asked, nothing about who Henrik was or why he'd been cursed in the first place. All Narcissa cared about was the well-being of her patient, which was great since Ashley didn't want Tom to know about Henrik just yet. The man had a really bad habit of surging through his followers' minds without their permission. Must have stemmed from those trust issues of his...

"He's going to be fine." Narcissa assured, "As far as I can tell, there's no lasting damage from the curse. His core is heavily depleted from fighting it for so long but all he needs is proper rest. He'll wake tomorrow morning."

"That's a relief. Thank you for coming, Lady Malfoy." Ashley smiled gratefully.

"There's no need for such formalities. You're my cousin's goddaughter so please, just call me Narcissa."

"Narcissa, then. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Just make sure he takes this potion after a meal."

Narcissa held up a small, transparent bottle capped off with a cork that carried a thick and bubbly yellow liquid, most likely a potion to help Henrik's core heal faster. Ashley wisely didn't question the woman and accepted the bottle, gently stuffing it into her pocket. Sirius then accompanied Narcissa out of the room, leaving Ashley with the Dark Lord's unconscious mate.

"Bippy!" The Potter Heiress called out.

Bippy dutifully appeared, all cheery and sprightly, no longer dressed in rags. Instead, she now wore a simple green dress Ashley had transfigured earlier on from a pillowcase. It was just a little something to make the house-elf feel more at home, and to thank her for her help. It was quite a surprise that she'd been able to even leave Grindelwald Manor. None had actually noticed it at the time, too busy with fussing over Henrik, but Bippy should have been left behind. It was only a theory but Ashley figured that Henrik's magic, momentarily mixed with hers, undid whatever Dumbledore's spell was. It was just sheer luck on their part because despite her promise, Ashley hadn't had a single idea on how to help the house-elf. Now, she didn't have to.

"Yes, Mistress Bambi?"

"I need you to watch over Henrik for me, to make sure he's okay. If he wakes early, tell me immediately."

Bippy nodded and skipped over to the chair beside Henrik's bed to take her seat. Satisfied, Ashley walked out, shutting the door behind her. She headed to her own room and kneeled at the foot of her bed, frowning worriedly at the lazily coiled, normal-sized snake resting on top of the covers. Moko had been feeling a bit under the weather lately, which is why he'd stayed at home whilst the others went to Grindelwald Manor. He claimed that he didn't know what was wrong with himself and that just made Ashley's anxiety skyrocket. She didn't want to lose him.

"Do you feel any better?" She asked softly, running a finger over his scales.

"A little... Naps always make me feel better." He hissed.

"Are you sure you don't wanna see a vet?" Ashley sighed.

"Yes, I'm sure. You worry too much, little one." Moko lightly teased.

He raised his head and nuzzled her cheek affectionately, wanting to comfort her. Unfortunately, her mind was elsewhere. All she could think about was curing Moko. Tom could probably help. After all, he had a serpentine companion of his own. There was a chance that he knew what was ailing Moko. Ashley was willing to make a bet on that. However, the sun would set in a few minutes and she doubted Tom would appreciate such a late, not to mention unexpected, visit.

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