Chapter 3: Follow the Path

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Ashley would be lying if she claimed that she had a good night's rest. She had slept just fine for about two hours or so but then, her peaceful slumber was interrupted by a tremendously odd dream. She dreamt that she was lost within a forest of trees which held no familiarity whatsoever. The leaves of each tree varied in color but they all shined like crystals under the sun (or the moon since it was nighttime). Wisps of magic weaved through the area with no specific direction. It was all beautiful, yes, but Ashley felt too confused to admire it all.

She attempted to find her way out but she somehow couldn't. She kept making her way back to where she began. When she was nearing the point of giving up, a serpent-like creature resembling the wispy form of a Patronus appeared. She was inclined to follow it, and so she did. The creature led her to the very center of the grove where a gigantic tree stood. It was the Tree of Life, she was sure. The shimmering silver leaves gave its identity away. Ashley didn't know how, but she felt how much power the tree emanated. It was pure, and light, and... It was simply breathtaking.

Then, a single leaf detached from the rest. It slowly floated downwards with an air of elegance. It glowed brightly upon immediate contact with the ground. It grew bigger and morphed into a woman. Actually, calling her a woman was the understatement of the century. She was like the living personification of a goddess! Her body was literally made of light! Her lavender hair fell into neat curls all the way down to her hips, complementing the deep purple cloth that hugged her body and flaunted her every curve. As far as Ashley could see, the goddess had no facial features but she was still so divinely beautiful.

"Our dearest Chosen One, follow the path and you shall find what you seek."

The goddess' voice came out as a soft whisper but it had no difficulty in reaching Ashley. It was curious though that the goddess seemed to be talking alongside three other people. Her answer had the underlying voices of a man and two other women. She had also used the term 'our' instead of 'my' when referring to Ashley. The confused Potter Heiress asked what she meant by that but her own voice refused to work with her. As Ashley simmered in silent frustration, her surroundings faded away into darkness.

She woke up abruptly with questions running around in her head and her magic acting restless. She couldn't find it in herself to go back to sleep and she didn't want to bother her friends or her familiar who were still fast asleep. Instead, she left their shared bedroom and sat in the kitchen in a daze after going through her daily morning routine, a daze she only left once Molly came down to cook breakfast. Ashley willingly helped her with the preparations, all the while recollecting the events of her dream.

"Ashley, dear, could you go wake up them up please?"

"Of course, Aunt Molly."

Ashley headed up the stairs and went for the farthest bedroom first to get help with the others, which just happened to be Ginny's. Ashley knocked on the door and called for the youngest Weasley. A few minutes later, a drowsy Ginny answered sporting a bird's nest for hair. Giggling, Ashley told her that breakfast was almost ready and requested she help with gathering her siblings. Ginny agreed and went to wake Percy while Ashley checked on her friends. Alyssa and Mitchelle were thankfully already up and so was Moko who resumed his position around the raven-haired girl's neck. Only Fred and George were left.

Ashley proceeded to their bedroom and knocked once, twice when she got no response. Eventually, she decided to go in and cautiously pushed the door open. She peeked in and saw the sprawled messes the twins were on their respective beds. She snickered and stepped inside, approaching Fred first.

"I know you're not asleep." She mused.

Tapping her foot impatiently, she crossed her arms and waited for the ginger to stop pretending. He didn't, which made her result to violence. She grabbed a stray pillow and went to hit him directly on his face when he opened one eye and smirked at something behind her. Before she could react, arms suddenly wrapped around her and lifted her up, depositing her in Fred's open embrace. She heard George's infectious laugh and felt the mattress dip behind her where he settled down.

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