Chapter 5: Bad Blood

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"Be careful, darling. Please... I can't lose anyone else... You and Remus are all I have left."

Sirius' last words echoed through Ashley's mind as she leaned her head against her chosen compartment's window. Even with her gaze trained at the orange sky, her attention was entirely elsewhere while her fingers idly played with her new locket. It pained her to have left Sirius in such a broken state but what choice did she have? And it wasn't like her soul-bonded would have actually allowed her to stay behind with them. Still, her soul ached restlessly from separating with Sirius and Remus at such a tragic time. It seemed that with the months they spent together, the bond they shared had grown somewhat stronger. It was something Griphook had failed to mention but Ashley's on-going theory was that the stronger the bond was, the more in tune the participants would be to each other. Being that she was the stronger individual in the active bond, magically speaking at least, the emotional strain of learning about Regulus' death affected her more than it normally would. This was due to her soul feeling both Remus and Sirius' grief, thus producing the need to comfort them. Knowing that she couldn't and that she was being taken away (albeit temporarily), it made her...uncomfortable, for a lack of better wording.

She sighed and sat upright, thinking that it was best to get her mind off of depressing topics for a while, even just for the entirety of the train ride. Unfortunately, her present companions were all engrossed in other activities that didn't include entertaining her. Neville was sound asleep across from her and the twins had taken it upon themselves to terrorize the other students with Moko. Her familiar had been hesitant to go but she convinced him that she would be fine. Tapping her locket, she came up with a wild idea that would kill her if she were anyone else. She dug through her pocket and got hold of her mirror. She gently rested her fingertips on the glass and watched as it rippled. She was then met with the red-eyed glare of an irritated Tom Riddle.

"Hello!" She greeted exuberantly.

She plastered a wide, tight-lipped smile on her face but she was sure that Tom sensed how forced it seemed. Her eyes, puffy and red from the incessant amount of crying earlier, didn't help the situation either. Thankfully, Tom chose not to comment on it.

"Is there any reason why you're talking to me right now?"

"I'm on my way to Hogwarts and I'm bored."

"You're bored?"

Ashley nearly snickered as she noticed the slight twitching of Tom's eye.

"Aren't the mirrors for emergencies?"

"It's a special occasion, let me have my fun."

"Why don't you go bother your friends instead of me?"

"I'm doing exactly that. You're one of my friends."

"Never did I, nor will I ever, agree to that."

"Aw, don't be like that. Anyway, don't you have something to say to me?"

"What would that be?"

"It hurts me that you don't remember."

"You act as if I don't find joy in your pain."

"Fine, you sadistic git, never mind then... You're staying at Malfoy Manor now, aren't you?"

"Luxury was obviously the better choice instead of staying at a rundown shack."

"You know, I'm very curious."

"Well, do enlighten me."

"What do Dark Lords really do in their free time? Do you just...loom around your followers and act menacing and stuff?"

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