Chapter 19: No Mercy

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Hogsmeade Station, Scottish Highlands

Ashley was jostled out of her sleep when she heard a loud, indignant shout. She blinked her eyes open and smiled drowsily when she realized that the noise had come from Maia who had just lost a round of Exploding Snap against Heaven. The Ravenclaw was tremendously good at the game and had an unbroken winning streak Maia was hell-bent on stopping. So far, Maia obviously had yet to succeed but that didn't mean that she was willing to give up anytime soon. But it did seem that she was at least willing to take a break as she slouched in her seat and pouted at a giggling Heaven.

Amused, Ashley shook her head and yawned, sitting up to look through the window she'd been leaning her head against. Apparently, she'd woken up just in time since the view of the station was getting bigger each passing second. She got up and stretched, stifling another yawn as she reached for her satchel. She made sure her things were all accounted for before leaving the compartment with Heaven and Maia trailing after her. The three of them caught up with the other Marauders and got off the train together. While leading the group towards the carriages, Ashley chanced a wave towards Hagrid who noticed and responded despite being busy with rounding up the first years. Eager to be back within the walls of the castle she would eventually inherit, she hopped onto the first carriage she spotted and was soon followed by Thalia, Heaven, Maia, and her favorite twins. She chose to sit between Fred and George, their arms automatically sliding around her shoulders as they greeted her with identical grins.

"Any news?" She asked once the carriage began moving.

"Nothing. Dad said that the Minister's determined to keep everything under wraps." Thalia rolled her eyes.

"That's good. I knew we could count on their incompetence." Ashley smirked.

"Speaking of the Minister, will he be the one replacing Fudge when the time is right?" Heaven tilted her head curiously.

"Probably, yeah." Ashley nodded, "I think it'll be better for everyone if he's the Minister."

Murmurs of agreement filled the air. Ashley liked to think that Tom would have been elated to know that he had supporters amongst the young, influential students of Hogwarts, people who weren't inclined to stand with him because of an oath of allegiance. Smiling to herself, the Potter Heiress kept quiet for the rest of the ride. She simply listened to her friends' chatter until they reached the castle where she was immediately welcomed by the ancient magic. She let her magic flare up a bit, enthusiastically greeting her second home.

"Do you sense anything different? Are the wards still the same?" Maia whispered conspiratorially.

"Yep, the wards are definitely still the same. Dumbledore couldn't be bothered to add more." Ashley confirmed.

She had assumed that the headmaster would, at the very least, increase Hogwarts' security after all her taunting but perhaps she had expected too much from the old wizard. He was just asking for it, wasn't he? It was like he wanted Hogwarts to be invaded, which probably wasn't far off from the truth. He didn't care for the students. All he cared about was the greater good bullshit he kept spouting. He needed everyone to fear the Death Eaters so that they would turn to him to fix everything, like they did with the Grindelwald. Dumbledore would then use Ashley as a pawn and get her killed in the process (because, duh, Horcrux) while the Wizarding World sung him praises. But no, that wasn't going to happen. Dumbledore was going to die, not as a hero, but as the bastard he truly was with all of his secrets out in the open.

"Not that they would have worked against you, right? You're an Heir, so the castle answers to you." Maia pointed out.

"That's right. Can't wait 'til I'm of age. It'll be my pleasure to personally kick Dumbledore out." Ashley snickered.

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