Chapter 2: Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Ashley sat cross-legged on her bed, leaning against a bundle of pillows with Moko lounging beside her as his Engorgio'd self. She had her mirror laid out in front of her as she whipped out her wand to duplicate it. In about an hour or so, she would be meeting with the Dark Lord who, hopefully, would look less like the snake-faced parasite she first saw. He would need a mirror to communicate with if they were to work together. She didn't want Dumbledore knowing anything if he were to suddenly go through her mail. Also, she had no desire to have another encounter with the owl Voldemort sent. That owl had to be a transfigured snake. If not, Ashley would be very worried where Voldemort found the creature. It was odd, and it was creepy, and she was completely fine with never having to see it ever again. She usually loved animals, that was a given, but that owl was too much.

After casting the spell, she grabbed the duplicate mirror and altered its gem into a vibrant emerald. It was perfect for Voldemort, the proud Slytherin that he was. And of course, the gem held meaning which matched its designated owner. As far as Ashley knew (though she really didn't know much), emeralds represented rebirth and intelligence. Didn't those two words describe Voldemort as a whole? Ashley thought so.

She stuffed the mirror into her satchel alongside her wand and slung the bag over her shoulder while pocketing her own mirror. She ignored the urge to double-check if she had everything she needed. She'd already done that more times than necessary earlier on. She stood to her feet and turned to face Moko who was gazing up expectantly at her.

"Are you sure you want to come with?" She asked, leaning down to his height.

"Of course!" He exclaimed, "For all we know, Voldemort is planning to trick you, or worse! What kind of familiar would I be if I didn't protect you, little one?"

"Alright, let's go then. I don't think he'll appreciate it if I'm late." Ashley giggled.

With a flick of her wrist, Moko was once again travel-sized. He slithered up her outstretched arm and resumed his typical position wrapped around her neck. She adjusted her satchel's strap on her shoulder and walked out the room. On her way down the stairs, Fred and George appeared to accompany her. Flanked by the two pranksters, she made her way to the fireplace. Pausing in front of it, she took a glance out the nearest window. Molly was outside with Mitchelle who was helping her feed the chickens. See, the twins and Mitchelle were tasked with keeping Molly from noticing Ashley's disappearance. Alyssa was currently missing in action due to the fact that she was at the Malfoy Manor. The whole Weasley family, with Ashley and Mitchelle per Alyssa's (and consequently, Draco's) request, had been invited over for brunch. Lucius and Narcissa had only allowed Alyssa to stay, seeing as she was their only son's soul-bonded.

Thinking of the Malfoys reminded Ashley of a certain house-elf who was nowhere to be found. In all honesty, where the bloody hell was Dobby? Draco admitted that didn't know who Dobby was, and apparently, neither did his parents. It was a little disconcerting. Ashley was aware of the minor changes brought about by her and her friends' sudden arrival into the magical world but she didn't think that something so significant would be affected. Although, maybe it was for the best that Dobby wasn't the Malfoys' house-elf. Ashley could only hope that he was bound under kinder masters, those who wouldn't see him as just a lowly creature. He didn't deserve being treated as such, no living creature did. Ashley was very firm on that belief. She'd gone through the pain of life as a lesser being than those who claimed supremacy and she would never wish it upon any pure soul. Those against her, well, they were a completely different matter.

"Nothing to worry about, little raven." Fred assured, shaking her out of her stupor.

"We'll keep mum distracted." George grinned.

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