Chapter 7: Traitor Amongst Friends

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Trudging back to the castle after a visit to the resident Hogwarts half-giant, Ashley narrowed her eyes in thought. Hagrid had attended Hogwarts with Tom and, by extension, Henrik. So, Ashley had been sure that Hagrid must have known a few things about the couple, and he did. Not only had he met Henrik, he apparently was the Hufflepuff's closest friend. Their friendship was the reason Tom had been aware of Aragog. Being soul-bonded, Tom and Henrik hid absolutely nothing from one another, and didn't that take Ashley on a guilt trip.

The most interesting thing that Hagrid had revealed was that Henrik had been aware of Tom's desire to make a Horcrux. Two, actually, because Tom had outright refused to live without his soul-bonded but of course, Henrik was against the idea of splitting their souls. The disagreement about the topic had caused one of the fights they scarcely had. It had taken less than half an hour to make up and then, Henrik found out that the idea of Horcruxes had been planted by Dumbledore. Hagrid claimed to have not known much about it but Henrik had a talk with Dumbledore and coincidentally, the Hufflepuff's disappearance took place only a day later. With that said, Ashley figured that her main theory was plausible now more than ever, that Dumbledore had gotten rid of Henrik to secure Tom's fall from the grips of sanity.

The Potter Heiress huffed and continued on her trek to her dorm, absentmindedly stroking a finger along Moko's scales. He curled around her wrist and squeezed comfortingly, noting the witch's distress. The corner of her lips tipped upwards in a small smile as she thanked the tiny serpent. The moment was robbed from her when her glasses vanished all of a sudden, replaced by a large hand shielding her sight.

"I know it's you, Freddie."

Of course she knew who the hand belonged to. Fred had developed the habit recently, while George chose to greet her by lifting her up by the waist. If they were anyone else, they would have been met with the end of her wand for stressing her out each time. But since they were her favorite twins, they could get away with it (most of the time, at least).

"Where's your other half?" She asked, pulling Fred's hand away from her eyes.

"Making sure that a certain someone doesn't sell us out." He answered nonchalantly.

While Ashley processed his words, he took the opportunity to personally return her glasses and place it back on her face. He knew she'd understood when her eyes turned sharp, her lips pursing into a thin line.

"Say that again." She gritted out.

"Little raven," Fred purred, "I fear we have a traitor amongst friends."

"Is that so? Who?"

"Come with me, I'll show you."

Fred gently grabbed Ashley's hand, placing it in the crook of his arm, and led her through the many hallways of the school. With her mind clouded by simmering rage, she belatedly realized that they were nearing Dumbledore's office. They stopped just before they rounded the final corner, confusing her until she sensed the presence of another and the silencing ward erected. Fred bent at the waist and reached down for what appeared to be her cloak (she wasn't even going to ask how he got hold of it). He ushered her underneath the invisible cloth and followed suit, turning to grin at his brother. George reciprocated and pulled the Potter Heiress to stand in front of him and his twin so that she was able to see the scene he had been watching earlier on.

There she was, the traitor Fred and George had caught, Alexandra, talking to none other than Dumbledore. They obviously felt safe having the conversion out in the open. After all, most of the students were spending the weekend in Hogsmeade while the ones who weren't preferred to steer clear from the headmaster's office.

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