Chapter 17: Together

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Panting, Tom collapsed on top of Henrik. Both were tired from hours upon hours of passionate lovemaking but that didn't stop Tom from wanting to go another round due to the sight his mate provided. Henrik had always been gorgeous in his eyes, more so in the moments after sex. The younger male was red all over, covered in dark hickeys as he blushed with every part of him. His hair was a definite mess while his crystal-like eyes were half-lidded, gaze hazily aimed at the ceiling. His chest heaved with slight exhaustion and yet a small, sated smile was painted on his lips. In short, Henrik looked absolutely delectable.

Still, Tom reeled himself in despite his instincts telling him otherwise. The temptation was stronger but he was stronger, of course. He retrieved his wand from the nightstand and spelled everything clean, including the floor which had been littered with his and his mate's robes. He then settled back underneath the covers, pulling Henrik close to him in a tight embrace. Sighing contentedly, Henrik nuzzled into the crook of Tom's neck and drifted off to sleep. Tom soon followed after placing a kiss upon Henrik's forehead.

The morning after, Tom slowly woke upon noticing the lack of warmth surrounding him. His eyes snapped open, the empty space beside him immediately sending him into a frenzy. Fear broiled in his gut as he spelled his clothes back on him, his magic desperately reaching out for his mate. Fortunately, the bond was still strong, meaning Henrik was alright and apparently, he was in the kitchen.

Tom headed out the room as soon as he was decent enough, determined to find out what had distracted his mate so early in the damn morning. His answer came in the form of Henrik dancing around with the Malfoy house-elves while wearing a blue apron and using a spatula as a microphone. Tom spent a few minutes watching on in amusement before finally approaching Henrik, catching the dark-haired boy off guard by pulling him in by his waist. The house-elves squeaked at seeing the Dark Lord and apparated away, leaving the couple alone.

"Tom, good morning!" Henrik chirped.

Tom only hummed in response. He loosely wrapped his arms around Henrik and rested his chin on the younger man's shoulder. Worriedly gnawing on his lower lip, Henrik chose to attend his cooking before anything else, lest the all the food burned. It took him a while but he finished eventually. He wandlessly set the table and urged Tom to sit down, plopping down on his lap right after. Henrik ran a hand through Tom's hair, smiling when the man leaned into his touch.

"Tell me what's wrong." Henrik gently pressed.

"You were gone when I woke up. I thought..." Tom trailed off.

Pursing his lips, Henrik reached up and smoothened out the crease that had formed between Tom's eyebrows as he frowned. Henrik didn't ask for further explanation. He didn't need it, he already knew. Tom had admitted that he dreaded waking up one day to the reality that his reunion with Henrik was nothing but a dream. Henrik's disappearance had scarred him badly. If it happened again... Well, reverting back into the madman that he'd been was probably Tom's best-case scenario.

"I'm real, and I'm right here. I'm never leaving you again." Henrik vehemently assured.

"Swear it." Tom demanded.

"I, Henrik Elias Stone, swear upon my magic that I will never leave Tom Marvolo Riddle to suffer alone ever again unless forced to do otherwise."

Henrik's chest glowed a bright blue, a manifestation of the way his magic reacted to his words. The glow dimmed into nothing as fast as it appeared, the vow now successfully in place. Tom shut his eyes and leaned his forehead against Henrik's as the Hufflepuff raised a hand to stroke his cheek. They sat in peaceful silence for a few minutes or so, simply basking in each other's presence.

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