Chapter 20: Somewhere Special

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Ashley drummed her fingers on the table's surface, trying so hard to focus on the book she was reading. She'd been stuck on the same paragraph for the past seven minutes since her mind was having trouble processing each and every word. Frustrated, she shook her head and slammed the book shut. She pushed it away from her before dropping her forehead on the table, letting her arms hang loosely at her sides. She was tired, and angry, and so very hungry. She'd skipped breakfast in favor of sleeping in due to yet another restless night. She couldn't not attend her first subject, lest she worried all of her friends, and homework had been given so she didn't have time to slip into the kitchens. So now there she was, sitting in a secluded part of the library, all miserable and alone (not counting Moko who was wrapped around her neck). Well, she thought she was alone. She was not in the right mind to sense the approaching presence from behind. For this reason, she nearly fell off her chair when a hand landed on her shoulder.

"It's just us." Alyssa placated, with Fred, George, and Mitchelle standing alongside her.

"Right, yeah, sorry..." Ashley apologized.

"You're on edge, we get it." Alyssa reassured.

"You don't have to apologize for anything." Mitchelle added, "After what happened, I'd be jumpy too."

Ashley sighed and slouched against the back of her chair. She took off her glasses, placing them on the table, before rubbing her face with both hands. She refused to meet any of her friends' concerned gazes, fearing that they would be able to see through the glamour she'd cast on herself to hide the bags under her eyes. As much as she appreciated how much they cared for her, she didn't need them smothering her or worse, alerting the school staff about her less-than-ideal health state.

"This just so...stupid." She groaned, "He's not even here, and I haven't seen him since that night, but I just can't help myself. He made a Vow. He'll come back for me one of these days and it's killing me not knowing when."

She accepted the comfort her friends offered but they couldn't do much to settle her anxiety. So, she chose to lay all her focus back on her History of Magic essay. Eventually, she went off on her own to search for another reference book. She happened to bump into Luna on the way who wordlessly smiled and handed something over from behind her back. It was a dreamcatcher. Its pure silver yarn was woven like a large snowflake, decorated with ice clue beads, crystals, and feathers. It was quite beautiful. To be honest, it reminded Ashley of the one she had back at her old apartment. They were eerily similar, but who was she to question it?

"It's a Muggle contraption, isn't it? I made it for you, because I heard it helps keep nightmares away."

"Thanks, Luna..."

Ashley carefully tucked the dreamcatcher into her satchel and thanked the younger Ravenclaw again for the lovely gift. She then returned to the table where her friends were still gathered and resumed with doing her homework. With Mitchelle's help (because history had always been one of her strongest subjects), Ashley quickly finished with a quarter of an hour to spare until her next subject. The twins thought it best to spend this time in a large, hidden alcove where they had somehow set up a whole picnic for everyone to enjoy. There were also lit candles everywhere. To set the mood, the twins said. The whole thing looked like a proper date. No wonder Alyssa was cringing and Mitchelle just looked plain uncomfortable. Fortunately for them, they remembered their soul-bonded and used hanging out with them as an excuse to run away. Neither Fred or George minded.

They sat down on the laid out blanket, patting the space between them. Ashley smiled fondly, plopping down and accepting the bacon sandwiches extended towards her. If she didn't know any better, she would have assumed that the twins had made it all for her, but she did know better. From the amount of food that was in their charmed basket, they had definitely asked for the house-elves' assistance. At least it was just enough to feed three people. What, with the twin's enormous appetites. Although, there were a few bacon strips set aside which greatly confused Ashley. That was until Hedwig swept in and landed right in front of her.

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