Chapter 24: Guardian of Gryffindor Castle

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Ashley squeaked in surprise as Moony unexpectedly pushed her to lay on her back and plopped down on top of her. Bewildered, she flailed around for a minute or two, stopping only when the wolf made it clear that he was not going to budge any time soon. In all fairness, he wasn't really crushing her or anything. It was just very uncomfortable to be pressed against the rough forest floor. Ashley would have asked Sirius for help but he seemed too busy enjoying her current condition. In fact, it looked like he was holding back his laughter as he sat cross-legged by her head, playing with her hair as if she wasn't trapped under a large wolf. Powerless, she huffed and accepted her fate for the night.

"Siri, is Moony okay?" She piped up after a while, earning a nuzzle to her cheek from the wolf who heard his name.

"Of course he is." Sirius answered, confused, "Why do you ask?"

"Don't you think he's being overly affectionate? He hasn't left my side since I got here." Ashley pointed out.

"Remus mentioned that Moony's been feeling extra possessive of you lately, but he refuses to tell me why. Is there something you want to tell me?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"No..." Ashley denied, casually avoiding his gaze.

"Bambi." He reproached.

Ashley winced, recognizing the tone he used. It meant that if she didn't talk, he would somehow figure out a way to find out for himself, which would end very badly for Barty and Rabastan. It was no secret that Sirius was a bit (maybe more than a bit) unhinged. Remus was very well aware of this fact. It was the reason he didn't tell Sirius about the little scene he'd happened upon. If Sirius ever learned about what had happened, Dumbledore and his Order would have two less Death Eaters to worry about. With that thought at the forefront of her mind, Ashley knew that she couldn't reveal the whole truth to her godfather. The guilt of keeping a secret would be easier to deal with than the guilt of having caused two people's deaths.

"It's nothing, really." Ashley shrugged, absentmindedly petting Moony's fur.

"Is it?" Sirius doubted.

"Moony just saw me hanging out with Barty and Rabastan. That's all." Ashley lied.

Sirius narrowed his eyes, uncertainty written all over his face. Ashley batted her eyelashes and donned the best innocent smile she could develop, unwilling to endure anymore of his questioning lest she slipped up. Melting, he shook his head in fond exasperation, similar to the way Remus typically would. The Animagus shifted his body and scooted closer so that his darling, scheming little Bambi could rest her head on his lap. He would let her be for now. There really was no other option. Sirius had been close to Ashley long enough for him to know that she would remain tight-lipped for as long as she deemed it necessary. She was just too stubborn, a trait she definitely inherited from James.

An hour after midnight, she was sent back to her dorm where she immediately dropped the glamour she'd been holding and collapsed on her bed. It was a good thing that her nightmares barely plagued her anymore. She needed as much sleep as she could get because one, she was still recovering from making so many portkeys for the Death Eaters, and two, she had exams scheduled after breakfast. Being sleep-deprived was never ideal while taking an exam. She'd learned this from personal experience back in the eighth grade. She would never make the same mistake again.

She got a whole six hours of sleep before her body clock forced her to get up and attend the morning meal. It was better than nothing, really, and the Ravenclaws looked much worse than she did. They always were so chaotic during exam week. Ai, Cora, and Heaven all had their noses stuck in books as they ate, too busy to take part in any of the conversations happening around them. Though to Ashley's surprise, Mitchelle was in the same boat as they were.

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