Chapter 11: It's Time

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The dark shall reign once more. Enemies of the heir... Beware.

Hushed voices filled the crowded halls of Hogwarts as curious students read the threat that was written messily with a dark red substance. Blood, they all knew. Ashley was amongst them, surrounded by her fellow Marauders. None dared to utter a single word, but for the sake of their act, they shared faux worried glances. In the corner of her eyes, Ashley could see Dumbledore just a few ways from where she stood. His gaze was pinned on the illustration above the words, one only few would recognize as the Deathly Hollows symbol. He almost seemed calm, albeit a little tense, but he wasn't. The anger and trepidation in his eyes betrayed him and Ashley relished in the fact that she had been the one to cause this.

Eventually, the students dispersed to return to their respective classes and continue on with their day. The Marauders separated as well, with only the first year Gryffindors staying together for their vacant period. They headed off to the study hall, all while conversing about the earlier happenings regarding Dumbledore. Ashley hadn't been the only one who was keeping a close eye on him the entire time.

"Did you see his face? Absolutely priceless!" Maia snickered.

"Shout it out loud, why don't you." Dominic laughed, lightly shoving her.

"Can you blame me? I don't know about you guys, but seeing Dumbledore like that was great for my heart." Maia insisted jokingly.

"Maybe we should scare him more often." Neville suggested with a carefree smile.

"Oh, we will. Just you wait." Ashley smirked.

A little while later, the Potter Heiress was searching for a certain Hufflepuff friend of hers. They had just finished Herbology when Mitchelle seemingly remembered something and left in a hurry. In her haste, she dropped her class notes which Ashley had been lucky enough to find. The Gryffindor's mission now was to return the aforementioned notes to her best friend before Mitchelle began to panic. Upon seeing someone who might have been able to help her, Ashley immediately called out.

"Hey! Have you seen Mitch?" She asked, adjusting the satchel strap on her shoulder.

"No," Draco replied, "but I did see Cedric earlier by the Astronomy tower. He looked like he was waiting for someone so, maybe she went there?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks, Malfoy." Ashley grinned, laughing at the way Draco rolled his eyes.

Just as she was about to turn and leave, muffled speaking from within her satchel interrupted her. It couldn't have been Moko. He didn't particularly like staying in enclosed spaces, said it reminded him of the zoo. Also, he was back at the dorm, napping. So, frowning in confusion, Ashley rummaged through her things and found the source of the noise. It was Madam Quilt's shrunken portrait; an item the Potter Heiress had forgotten was still with her.

"Wait, is that my grandmother?" Draco piped up, spotting the portrait.

"Say that again?" Ashley blinked.

"That's my too-many-greats-grandmother Quinivere!" Draco exclaimed, "She was a Malfoy, one of the nicest ones you'll ever meet. Where did you get this?"

"Dumbledore." Ashley shrugged, knowing the Malfoy Heir would need no further explanation.

"Ah." Draco nodded in understanding, "In that case, do you mind if I take it? Father's been searching for a portrait of hers to hang in the family gallery."

"No, not at all. Go right ahead. Just cast Engorgio and she'll be back to her normal size." Ashley instructed.

"Yeah, I got it. Thanks." Draco smiled gratefully.

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