Chapter 02

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"Mabel, we've been wandering in circles for an hour. Do you know where we're going?" Dipper said, not making any attempt to hide his annoyance while Mabel pressed her face against every store window they passed. Surely, the customers inside were haunted by her actions.

The mall, surprisingly, was crowded. Given the time of day, the stores were more filled than usual. It was almost like Black Friday, except there were no sales and nobody was getting killed over a spoon. In other words, it was nothing like Black Friday.

"Of course I do. I just really like that dress", she said. Mabel turned her attention back to the list Stan gave them, "How do you think that'd look on me?"

"Fine, I guess. Let's get to the shop before they close."

Wendy nudged his shoulder with her own. "You know, you should be nicer to your sister."

"I'm plenty nice. I just don't want to get lectured by Grunkle Stan again."

"Again? You guys just got here."

"I know." Dipper said, causing Wendy to lose her cool for a moment and laugh like nobody was watching. He had to stop for a moment and ask himself if he'd ever heard her laugh in such a way. It was amusing to say the least.

"You know", Wendy said in between giggles, "I really missed you guys."

"We missed you too."

"A part of me wishes I got to see you two grow up."

Dipper tried not to meet her eyes, "Are you upset we didn't come back?"

"I was at first, but I understand why you felt the need to stay away. A lot happened. Plus, seeing how much you two have grown, I know you were all right these past few years. So, no biggy."

Mabel chimed in and said, "Hey guys, let's go eat something."

Dipper shook his head. There was food at home. What they didn't have at home was party supplies. "No. No. No. Stan gave us clear instructions and the stores are going to close soon. We have to—"

The red-head cut him off, "Let's do it! I'm starving." The two girls walked off, arm-in-arm, not listening to any words of protest.

He tried his best to be persuasive, but unfortunately for him, whenever Mabel had her mind set on something there was no talking her down from it. Dipper learned over the years that when it came to mental fortitude, he may have been outclassed by his sister. Wendy being present wasn't any help either. The two were like an unstoppable force and an immovable object and he was the fool in the middle trying to challenge both. Following behind and taking in his surroundings was all he could do for the time being. With the occasional stress-induced glances at the clock.

Periodically, Dipper watched as crowds of shoppers bounced from store to store. Nobody broke their strides to acknowledge him. He wondered if they forgot him. Or worse, recognized him and harbored resentment. They looked happy enough. But it was possible it was only a front being put on for the public. And as soon as they were behind closed doors, they'd return to their lives riddled with emotional pain.

The thoughts began triggering a panic attack. Dipper's vision became blurry. It felt as if a small amount of electricity was pumped into his hands as they tingled. Not nearly as bad as usual, but he could feel it getting there.

He tried hard to maintain his hold on reality. Therapists had shown him a few tricks over the years to overcome similar attacks. The problem was, it was easier said than done. Sure, he could practice and remind himself it was all in his head, but at the moment the attacks started, all sense of logic went out the window. Any bit of practice amounted to a waste of time.

"Dipper!" Mabel shouted from several steps ahead. He came to his senses just in time to crash into someone and fall over. Hot chili and soda went everywhere.

"Ah, I am so sorry." Dipper whispered.

A loud scoff came from the other victim, "Watch where you're going you clutz!" All though more mature sounding, Dipper recognized the stain of sarcasm and confidence anywhere. When his vision came back into focus, he saw the unmistakable face of the richest girl on the West Coast.


Mabel covered her mouth, "No way."

She looked up at him with a disgusted expression. It took a moment, but eventually her face softened as her eyes widened. "Oh my God. Dipper?"

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