Chapter 15

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Finally, Pacifica thought to herself.

The helicopter ride, which was only cross-country, was finally over after what felt like a damn eternity. The Northwests landed on the Southeast's private landing pad on the mansion's property. Instead of being greeted by the owners, they were greeted by a servant. Right off the bat Pacifica noticed a familiarity: both her parents and the Southeasts were rude.

"Welcome to the Southeast private residence. The family is honored to have the illustrious Northwest family as their guests." The servant said.

Pacifica rolled her eyes. Her frustration was off the charts, "Yeah, they're so honored, they went out of their way to tell us themselves."

Preston glared at her, "Silence, daughter."

The aforementioned family stood no farther than 100-meters away. They quickly approached. The way they walked could easily be compared to a soldier who had blades in their collars. It gave Pacifica an uneasy feeling.

For some reason, as the Southeast family got closer, a feeling of dread overcame her; she couldn't explain it. A cold, almost lifeless feeling. As if every sense in her body was telling her to run while she could. She was certain she'd felt it before, but couldn't pinpoint exactly when. Whatever the source of the dread was, it made her body shiver in the southern heat.

Pacifica tossed the idea to the wayside. She was more upset about the fact that her parents forced her on the trip. She didn't want to be around the Southeast family, or her own family for that matter. And the look Gulford was giving her didn't help ease her stomach.

Both families stood silently for a moment taking each other in. The two most powerful families in the country, or one powerful and one formerly so, stood a few feet apart.

"Welcome to our home", the father began, "We are honored to have you here, Preston. This is my second wife, Gemma. And you already know my son, Gulford."

As a sign of respect, he silently bowed to the Northwest head. His eyes, however, never left his arranged fiancée. The more he stared, the more uncomfortable Pacifica felt.

Preston responded with his usual fake-courteous tone, "The honor is ours, Galen. This is my wife, Priscilla and of course my daughter, Pacifica. I can't tell you how pleased we are that your son has chosen our daughter to marry."

The realization that both mothers have never met hit Pacifica in the most comical way possible. She was certain it was because neither her father nor Galen were faithful husbands or fathers.

"You're not wrong about that." Gulford whispered. "About our fathers."

"Wait, what?" Pacifica had never felt more confused or exposed before. Gulford spoke to her like her thoughts were out in the open for everyone to hear. Even if he successfully guessed what she was thinking based on her expression, there was no way to know anything about her father. He didn't know the family personally before the engagement.

The voice of Galen interrupted her thoughts, "Why don't my wife and I show you around? Gulford will take Pacifica on their own tour."

"Yes, father."

No, father. No! Pacifica mentally screamed.

"Shall we?" Gulford offered an arm. Somehow, he managed to lower her tolerance for him even further. Pacifica agreed to go with him, but she refused to let him touch her. If he tried, she had pepper spray ready.


It didn't take long for the Northwest heir to become incredibly bored. About two hours passed and she had yet to find anything appealing about the property. Sure, it was larger than their old manor, but it had no sense of family. Nothing that made it a home. Not that she knew anything about that.

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