Chapter 18

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Dipper's banged up legs managed to support his run from the car to the front door of the former Northwest Manor. He took a moment to absorb his surroundings. It'd been five years since he'd seen the place. You didn't have to be a genius to notice how worse off the property's been without the pristine care of the upper class. Dipper knew Old Man McGucket moved in, but wasn't sure if he stayed. The condition of the landscape confirmed he did.

He knocked. And his knocks became harder and faster. And those knocks turned into pounding. Dipper called out for McGucket to open the door. Instead, he was greeted by the Northwest's former butler, still dressed like the family owned the place.

"Excuse me, I need to find out where the Northwests are on vacation. I know it's weird, but it's an emergency." There was no response or even reaction on the butler's end. "You okay?"

"Mr. Pines", the doors to the mansion opened revealing the one place in Gravity Falls considered to be more of a fantasy than most creatures living in the woods. The butler continued, "Please, come in."

Dipper moved the hair out of his eyes. He had enough surprises for one day—for one lifetime—and he didn't want to deal with any more riddles.

The butler went through a hidden compartment behind one of the many fireplaces. He motioned his hand for Dipper to follow, which he did. Dipper was led down a tunnel only illuminated by torches placed every few meters. There wasn't even a polished floor to walk on, only concrete. The only thing that could differentiate the tunnel with the sewer was the smell. Somehow, a rundown hole in the ground still smelled like pine trees.

When they got to the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, a garage door opened. Torches were replaced with electrical lights and everything was back to its usual rich-family design. In the middle of the room was the most futuristic-looking car Dipper had ever seen. Not a single blemish could be seen anywhere on its magnificent body. The chances of him being skilled enough to drive such a car were slim.

"You see, Miss Northwest is set to marry Gulford Southeast, the son of the Southeast family. Right now she, along with her family, are at their estate. I have the coordinates set in. Take this car and you should get there in no time. Oh, you also need not worry about being pulled over."

Of course, this was all shocking and somewhat distressing news, but that left one question unanswered, Dipper asked, "Why are you still here? Didn't the Northwests lose their home?"

"I've been doing my best to tend to the land here. Of course, with that old man doing all sorts of experiments, it hasn't been easy. My hope is that they return one day. So, make sure you get them back for me." The butler stood perfectly still. His eyes never left Dipper.

Dipper nodded. "I will. Thanks for the information. I'll be going." He pressed a button to unlock the car doors. The car responded by lighting up in all sorts of ways. Doors swung open and the windshield projected a holographic GPS.

Engine on. CR-Alpha-07b online. Please identify yourself and your destination. An AI voice said.

"I'm Dipper. Dipper Pines. I need to get to the Southeast Manor where the Northwests are."

Understood. Tracking Northwest GPS. . . Directions on screen. The image of a road appeared in the corner of the windshield as well as an arrow, a clock, estimated distance, and time it would take to arrive.

Another hidden opening in the wall revealed itself, granting Dipper a way out.

Dipper carefully pressed down on the gas pedal, fearful of how sensitive it was, and he was off.

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