Chapter 24

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Pacifica and Mabel carried on with their back and forth conversations about their lives after the events of Weirdmageddon, school, family, and since Mabel was there, boy drama.

For the most part, Mabel carried the majority of the weight of the conversation, with Pacifica just going along with whatever new topic was introduced. She didn't mind the seemingly never-ending spew of words falling out of the twin's mouth. In fact, Pacifica took it quite well. Never having a sibling made her more open to such conversations. All though admittedly, she did roll her eyes at certain comments.

"Mabel. Mabel. . . Mabel!" Pacifica finally shouted, cutting a line in between Mabel's endless monologue. Mabel stopped to take her first breath in ten minutes. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were a politician with how much you talk."

Mabel's face sported a larger-than-life grin. Anything involving romance and relationships in general got her talking. It showed that a part of her childhood still lived within her.

The female of the twins rolled over onto her stomach and rested her chin on the palms of her hands, "Okay, okay, sorry. Enough about Mermando. Let me tell you about my crush on Alexander Hamilton!"

Pacifica's eyes widened as she said, "Okay! Before we start that, let me just get some water." Pacifica got up and fast-walked out of the room before Mabel had a chance to retort.

Downstairs, the television was still on. Pacifica decided to poke her head into the living room to see if anyone was there. Stan stood with his back facing the doorway. He filled the air with several hand gestures, signifying that he was on the phone with someone. She didn't want to interrupt since he already seemed stressed and borderline pissed. Her curiosity, however, kept her from walking away.

"Listen to me, Preston, there's no reason under the sun I would allow your spoiled, ungrateful, good-for-nothing daughter to stay here. So you can stop asking if I know where she is because I don't. . ." His voice trailed off as he turned around and saw the very person he was talking about standing in the doorway. Stan's eyes widened for a moment but went back to their half-lidded position. "Goodbye, Preston. Always a displeasure." He slammed the phone back on its port before Preston could say anything and added insult to injury by pulling the plug out of the wall and cutting it with scissors.

The teenage rich girl and scam artist grunkle stood silently as they stared at each other. Pacifica had a look of betrayal on her face. She didn't expect to hear Stan insult her the way he did. Especially after what they went through during Weirdmageddon. Sure, he didn't like her, but his words were borderline hateful. It took everything she had not to cry right there on the spot.

"Um. . .I'm sorry, sir. I just needed water." Pacifica mumbled, not wanting to get insulted any further. Stan simply nodded. It was impossible for her to tell what he was feeling or thinking. She adjusted her hair, and attempted to ease the situation. "I-I didn't know you were still up."

"Look, kid. I know you heard what I said to your father. He's been calling here non-stop asking if you're alright. Him and your mother are worried sick about you, why didn't you tell them you were here?" Grunkle Stan said, his voice dripping with frustration.

Pacifica looked him in the eyes. She didn't expect that to come out of his mouth, let alone her parents' mouths. "I. . . I didn't think they'd care."

"Well, they do. So either call them or leave my house. I'm not about to get sued by you people."

"Mr. Pines. . . I didn't—I don't do that sort of thing anymore. I know I was a bratty child, but—"

"Call them. I'm going to bed." He said before shutting off the television and retiring to his room. He passed by Pacifica who was left standing like a fool. She felt a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and confusion.

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