Chapter 10

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Multiple tables were set up across the property of the Shack. Several grills with stacks of food and plates sat nearby, but far enough away so the smoke didn't get into anyone's face. Grunkle Stan stood at the foot of the ladder, monitoring Soos hanging a banner.

"Welcome all to the first ever Mistery Shack Cookout? Darn it Soos, you misspelled 'mystery'! I swear — someone find me a rock so I can hit you with it." Grunkle Stan shouted.

"Sorry, Mr. Pines. I had to get a rush job done on the banner, the store was closing in an hour."

"Ugh, fine. Wendy, how's the shop looking?"

"Good, I guess." Wendy had her feet propped up onto one of the tables. Her eyes didn't waver from the magazine in her hands.

12:15PM—the Mystery Twins made it down to the front yard. Any leftover decorations on their part were handled. They each wore something casual, but festive at the same time. Dipper donned a brown jacket with a grey collared shirt underneath, half-tucked into his jeans. His shoes were a dark shade of brown. Mabel had a pink pleated dress that fell just at her knees. Her hair was loosely tied into a messy bun.

Wendy glanced up from her magazine to see them standing by their Grunkle. Immediately, she got up and fixed her clothing. Her outfit consisted of a light-blue plaid shirt tied just above her belly button, ripped jeans and ballet flats.

"Looking good, you two." She said.

Mabel's enthusiasm outshined Wendy's, "Thanks, Wendy! You too!"

"Good morning to you too." Dipper joked.

Before long, the first of Gravity Falls' residents began showing up. One car after another. Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland arrived in their police car. Abuelita, Lazy Susan, Killbone, Candy and Grenda who basically tackled Mabel with their hugs, and even Pacifica's old friends arrived. Everyone greeted the twins as this was the first time they were seeing them since their arrival. Even Robby, in his run-down, failed musician van showed up, much to Wendy's disgust. Her eye-roll could be seen from across the town.

Robby wedged his van in between two already parked cars. The stench of rotting food and cigarettes permeated the air. Residents who parked their cars close by were met with the unfortunate smell.

The metal singer, flanked by Tambry who focused only on her phone, welcomed themselves to the party.

"Hey, Wendy." Robby said, rolling his eyes.

"Robby." She responded.

"I see you're still hanging out with the resident geeks." Robby half-joked. Wendy clenched her fists behind her back.

"And I see you're still the biggest failure of the musical world. And by the way, those geeks saved your life."

He scoffed and walked away. Tambry followed in lock step, her eyes having yet to leave the screen. Nobody ever knew who she was talking to or what she was actually looking at. Or how she managed to navigate around town without crashing into something. Her behavior was just sort of accepted.

Dipper tapped Wendy on the shoulder. Her sour mood lightened immediately. "Was that Robby? Why aren't you hanging with him?"

"Unfortunately, yes. And long story short — he cheated on me with Tambry shortly after you left. We bonded a bit and I stupidly accepted a date. One thing led to another and. . .Yeah."

Dipper joined with Mabel and the two went to greet their former frenemy. Rival? Enemy? Whatever Robby was to them. A greeting was still expected.

"Hi, Robby." He extended a hand to him. A courtesy that wasn't reciprocated.

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