Chapter 32

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The Pines family and McGucket gathered into one car driven by Ford and sped down the roads. Wendy was following in a separate car with Candy and Grenda. The Northwest family was set to follow closely behind since they never went to the house willingly before. Instead of their driver taking them in a limo, they got into the same hyper-intelligent car the butler gave to Dipper to save Pacifica all those weeks ago. Preston surprised everyone with not only his driving skills, but his quick thinking and connections when the police tried to stop them.

Even Gideon was on his way to the location. He knew the way since him, Ford, and Dipper all planned out where they would split the journals up.

In his own car, he inaudibly mumbled several phrases to himself.

In all honesty, nobody was fully aware of the game plan. Their only idea was to build a machine and use it to free Dipper. How they'd go about doing that was a mystery. But, that didn't bother Mabel. After all, she was a Mystery Twin. Her hopes were high.

Several states away, but moving equally as fast, was Dipper Cipher. Instead of traveling through the air or jumping in and out of portals, he got onto a motorcycle. He ignored every and all traffic laws, driving straight through red lights and intersections without stopping once. Whenever something proved to be in the way, Dipper Cipher would phase right through the obstacle. As long as his energy went undetected by the Pines, he would be fine sneaking on them.

The five different vehicles approached Ford's lab at an unreasonable speed. It was all down to who would get there first.

"Hey Ford, what happens when we get there? What if while you're building the machine, Bill, or Dipper, I mean, Bill shows up?" Stan asked, trying to keep his voice in a whisper.

"McGucket and I have to get started immediately and work uninterrupted. If what you said happens then. . . Well, let's hope it doesn't." He responded.

Mabel leaned out of her seat and pointed ahead, "Is that it?" She pointed towards the building off on its own. She didn't notice it before, but the building looked exactly like one her Grunkle would live in. When he wasn't eating with the family, he was alone doing experiments or researching other ways to perform experiments. Like Ford, the building was alone.

Ford pulled up next to the building. Right behind him was Wendy who parked nearby and the Northwest family who parked near the entrance. Nobody else was near which gave them slight comfort.

"All right everyone, we need to move quickly. McGucket and I will work on the machine. We can't have any interruptions or it could be dangerous. With the two of us working, it shouldn't take too long. The rest of you need to keep watch in case something strange happens." Ford ordered. Everyone agreed and the two scientists disappeared into the lab. Everyone else was left directly outside the entrance.

As Dipper Cipher closed in on everyone's location, his energy became more noticeable. When they felt it, the hairs on their arms stood up.

Stan shook his head, "No. No, no, no, they just got started. That darn Bill!" Stan pounded against the door to the lab. He leaned in close and shouted, "Hey Ford! He's on his way! Hurry up!"

Ford and McGucket looked at each other. Ford shouted back, "We just started! It's going to take time! We don't even know what we're dealing with here!"

"That's not what I wanted to hear. . ." Stan mumbled sarcastically. He wondered how they didn't even consider that beforehand. The Astro Rift was an anomaly that was never tested, only written about in ancient texts. The limit of their understanding was from dreams, ancient writings, and unscientific observations.

"Mr. Pines, what are we going to do? It's him, isn't it?" Priscilla asked.

"Uh. . .I don't know yet. Anyone got any ideas?"

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