Chapter 22

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"Mabel, we've been walking for two hours. I thought you said you knew where he might be hiding."

Mabel carried on a few steps ahead. Not once during the entire walk had she slowed her pace. A part of Pacifica was convinced that it was because she was still furious about what happened with. . .that guy, and didn't want to look in her direction.

What was his name again?

After a few more minutes of uncomfortable silence, Mabel spoke up, "It's up ahead. If he's not here then. . .well, hopefully he's here."

Together, they approached the area Mabel claimed her brother was hiding, and to absolutely no surprise, she was 100-percent accurate. There he was — the brain of the Mystery Twins and one of Gravity Falls' heroes sitting all alone on a fallen tree trunk.

"Dipper!" Mabel called out to her brother.

He turned around, "Mabel? And. . .you. How did you know I was. . ."

"Twin telepathy." Mabel answered. They'd joked about having telekinetic powers with each other before. Pacifica never believed them, but watching Mabel navigate several hundred miles worth of woods to find her brother changed her opinion.

Dipper didn't appear too pleased with the fact that he was taken from whatever train of thought he boarded. Pacifica could tell that by the way she was being glared at that Dipper was even more upset by her presence than anything else.

"Okay, then why?" He asked.

"Why do you think, ya goober?" Mabel responded. Dipper sighed and tried saying something, but Mabel beat him to it, "I'm sorry, Dipper. I didn't mean any of the things I said back at the cookout." Pacifica looked between the twins. She was unsure what they were referring to, but didn't want to interrupt. Mabel continued, "Look Dip, there's something I need to tell you. I didn't want to say anything before, but I figure now is a good time."

"What is it, Mabel?"

Mabel glanced at Dipper before looking back down at her feet. "I know about your problem."

Dipper leaned closer and asked, "What?"

"I said: I know about your problem!" Silence filled the air. Guilt took the place of any lingering anger in the atmosphere. "I've always known — since we left Gravity Falls you've never been the same. I know that you have panic attacks at even the slightest memory of you-know-who. Remember our 14th birthday party?"

Pacifica eyeballed the twins. She asked herself, what happened at their party? It wasn't until then did she realize she never asked the twins about their lives outside of Gravity Falls. She knew next to nothing about them save for the immediate details she learned through experience.

Dipper caught onto Mabel's gist and nodded. He needed no further explanation which meant Pacifica would have to ask specifically what happened.

Mabel continued, "So, I kept an eye on you from a distance. Whenever someone would ask or try to probe, I'd play dumb. I couldn't stand to see you so miserable, but knew your pride wouldn't allow me to help. I'm sorry, but I thought it was time you knew — and dealt with this together as a family."

"Mabel, I don't think that—"

"I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner. But, you're my brother and best friend. Whatever you're going through, I'm there to help." Mabel looked up from the ground. Dipper's eyes were filled with disbelief and sadness. But most of all, remorse. Mabel didn't have to say it, but Dipper was smart enough to know his sister was suffering as well. And not talking about it made things worse.

Kiss him! An unfamiliar voice in Pacifica's head shouted. She rubbed her fingers on her temples.

Against her better judgment, Pacifica stepped forward. Her hands folded in front of her. All eyes were on the Northwest.

"Dipper, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to trigger any memories. And I know it's not an excuse, but I just wanted—" Before she could finish, Dipper cut her off. Her body was pulled into his while her mind spun in a million directions. It felt as if her heart rate increased speed then suddenly stopped all together. Never before had she experienced something so warm and calming. So intense yet soft. So unexpected yet long overdue — a kiss from Dipper Pines.

Pacifica felt a hand grip onto her upper arm while another gently positioned itself on her back. Being a Northwest, she and her family were always kept informed on all activities around Gravity Falls and sometimes the entire West Coast. In other words, she was never caught off guard. But this time. . .she was completely frozen in her tracks. In the short time she knew Dipper she went from hating him, to respecting him, to enjoying his company and finally crushing on him. The thing she waited for arrived. She knew Dipper reciprocated her feelings.

What felt like an eternity passing, the kiss continued. Pacifica managed to pull herself together long enough to hold Dipper in her arms as well. Their hug complimented by their kiss sent shockwaves through the air. The wind gave the leaves on the trees the impression of a cheering crowd.

She didn't want it to end. But, it did. . .at the sound of Mabel's phone camera shuttering several times over.

Mabel's eyes were lit up and she displayed a smile that rivaled the Cheshire Cat's. Both Pacifica and Dipper shut their ears and prepared.

"EEEEEE!!" Mabel squealed.

There it was.

Dipper laughed at his sister's reaction. "I guess there's no more confusion. We all know how I feel now."

Good. Keep it up. The voice said again. Pacifica brushed it off as her nerves. Everything was happening so fast, it was a miracle she could still stand.

"Dipper! Oh my God, I knew it! I shipped it! Dipcifica for the WIN! Oh, Pacifica, you have to come over to the Shack tonight! We need to stay up all night gossiping and having girl time. After that kiss, you have a lot to tell me!" Mabel strung all her sentences together. Pacifica was surprised anyone was ever able to understand her.

Pacifica playfully rolled her eyes and placed a hand on Mabel's shoulder, "All right, calm down. I'll come by tonight."

Mabel smiled even wider and pulled the blonde into a hug. The hug was different than any she ever received from friends—it truly felt like a sisterly hug.

"I mean, if it's okay with you, Dipper—if I come over tonight?"

"It's fine. You can sleep in my bed, actually." The girls looked at him shockingly. While Mabel smirked, Pacifica's face reddened. Dipper waved his hands around, "No, that's not what I meant! I have somewhere to be tonight.

Mabel seemed to understand what he meant and dragged Pacifica back to the Shack. At their pace, Pacifica was sure they'd reach their destination in half the time it took them before. She glanced back at Dipper who was shaking his head and wearing his sister's signature goofy smiles. Pacifica smiled back and blew him a kiss.

Her heart felt like it was going to melt. The once shy, goofy, wimpy little kid that first arrived in Gravity Falls was gone. He was replaced by a more confident, stronger, and scarily smart young man. A young man who stole Pacifica's heart.

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