Chapter 06

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Within the tightly guarded and dusty walls of the mansion stood an empty library. A library that had several decades worth of wear and tear. Directly in the center of it all was a portal. Once materialized, live images of Dipper and Mabel appeared. Their voices were inaudible, but still an incredible nuisance.

"So, you came back after all." A voice with no origin said. Their words dripped with disdain unparalleled on Earth. "I would've thought you'd have the sense to leave well enough alone."

The images emanating from the portal separated into their own mini hologram-like screens, each one showcasing a different moment in Dipper's life during his first stay in Gravity Falls. With each victory, the hate-filled atmosphere of the library grew.

"You may think you did the world a favor. But, I know the truth. Underneath that friendly façade is a monster — more dangerous than anything you've ever faced. A threat to all of creation. All you're doing is delaying the inevitable. It is up to me to start anew."

All at once, the screens returned to their origin point. Pacifica became the focus rather than the Mystery Twins.

"Northwest? Hmm, perhaps we can start sooner than expected. I'm coming for you, Pines. I'm coming."

The library began to shake violently. The voice's sinister laugh knocked several books off their shelves and sent cracks up the walls. With each passing moment, the force caused greater damage.

Nearby mountains, trees, and even the clouds moved in an unnatural fashion in response to the paranormal force. They bent with their direction pointed away from the library as if trying desperately to run away.


All across the United States and beyond was a meteorological phenomenon unseen in the history of the world. Planet Earth was engulfed with winds that rivaled category-5 tornadoes. Loose debris was sent hurtling down streets, smashing into anything unlucky enough to get in their paths.

News stations and law enforcement wasted no time getting to the front of the chaos and doing what they could to spread the news.

The damage lasted for several minutes. People clung to whatever they could for safety. And like a flash of lightning, it was over. Nearly every city, at least those with less than study structures, looked like a snow globe after it'd been dropped.

Hidden within Oregon, the people of Gravity Falls stood silently as they eyeballed each other. Employees and customers at the mall picked up the garbage that ended up scattered all over the room. It was nearly impossible to focus on one thought because everyone was talking, adding in their two cents on what just happened. Wendy knelt by the table she and the twins were seated at and helped pick up some things. Pacifica helped as well. The only ones unmoving were Dipper and Mabel.

Mabel tried fixing her hair, "That was weird. Hey Dip, did you feel that. . . Dipper?" She looked over at her brother whose eyes were dead-set on the table. His hands shook.

Dipper didn't know what the Hell happened, but he had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach that it involved something evil. Something he hadn't felt since the last time he was in Gravity Falls. The feelings of hate and bloodlust that accompanied the wind hit him like a speeding train. It reaped his soul. Beads of sweat fell from his forehead. He didn't want to admit it — that a panic attack was coming — but he felt it. First the shock, then the chest pain, followed by the realization, and ending with him being locked in a bathroom, crying on the floor. It was coming and he was helpless to stop it.

Mabel quickly got out of her chair and ran to her brother's side. She tried talking to him, holding his hand, and rubbing his back, but nothing worked. He was lost in his own space. It was only a matter of time.

"Well, that was weird. Am'I'right, guys?" Wendy asked, throwing a bunch of trash into the bin. She gleaned at the twins before doing a double take after noticing Dipper's condition.

He gripped the area around his chest. Breathing became increasingly difficult as each breath taken was short and insufficient.

Wendy looked closer, "Uh, Dip—", before she could finish, Dipper bolted from his seat and made a quick dash to the door. Wendy and Mabel watched as he shoved everything out of his way on the way out. Wendy looked at Mabel who watched her brother disappear. No further discussion was offered.

Dipper remained hidden behind several dumpsters in the back parking lot of the mall. He felt it necessary to hide his condition from everyone since he's seen as: "the genius with the plan who could always figure things out." Having a mental condition didn't fit with the expectations that came with being Dipper Pines.

A few moments went by with him left to suffer through serious chest pains and shortened breathing alone. His inability to get a hold of himself scared even the nearby animals.

"What's wrong with me? This feeling. . ." Dipper mumbled, almost having to force the words out of his mouth.

A series of disorganized sounds danced through the trees. The only thing recognizable was the sound of his name being called over and over again. "Dipper. Dipper." It was almost a relief to hear it. It told him that reality still existed despite the blurriness of everything, including his own thoughts.

"Dipper!" A pair of hands reached out and grabbed both his wrists. Forcing them down to his sides, his ears were no longer covered. He could barely make out the shape. Only the cascade of blonde hair was familiar. And he knew who it was before him.

Dipper used the handkerchief handed to him to wipe his eyes and mouth. "Thank you", he said with a barely audible tone. Once finished, he tucked it into his shirt pocket. "Pacifica? How'd you know I was here?" He asked, trying to stand up again.

"Woah, easy", she said, not letting him get up too quickly. She joined him on the ground, "You looked like you were about to throw up."

"Wow, I must be going crazy." Dipper said, claiming down a bit. Pacifica shot him a confused and slightly concerned look. He continued, "Your royal highness, Pacifica Northwest, sitting on the dirty concrete ground." He finished with a slight change in tone. Diverting the conversation away from him was something he specialized in over the past five years.

Pacifica rolled her eyes and smiled.

"So, you didn't answer my question." Dipper began. Pacifica once again looked at him with a confused expression. "How'd you know I was here?"

Dipper's repeated question earned him another eye-roll from the blonde. "Hehe. . . I should've known I couldn't get you with a vague answer. I saw you running from the food court and wanted to make sure you were okay, so I followed you. I noticed the way you looked when that wind blew through the mall and figured it had something to do with why you ran. I've never seen you so—" Pacifica's voice trailed off. She couldn't quite grasp the right words without sounding rude, something that she was all too familiar with.

Dipper finished her sentence, "—scared." Pacifica cocked her head slightly to the right. Her eyes gleamed with sympathy for the Mystery Twin. Dipper looked down at the leaves scattered around the area.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but if you feel the need — you want to tell me what happened?" Pacifica said softly. Dipper was slightly thrown off by the motherly sound of her voice, something he never imagined hearing from her.

The silence between the two teens stretched out for what felt like an eternity. Was this his chance at opening up? He wasn't entirely sure he could trust the girl. She didn't exactly hold a reputation for being the town's shrink. However, it wasn't fair of him to judge her so harshly when she was willing to open up about her family's past to him. The shame she must've felt at that time was more than he could imagine. Perhaps it was possible to move on.

A sigh just barely escaped Dipper's lips, "It was shortly after Bill. . ."

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