Chapter 07

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Dipper and Pacifica sat in isolation behind the Gravity Falls Mall. For Dipper, it was a place where he could ride the waves of his PTSD without anyone's knowledge.

He couldn't believe his luck. "Bad" luck, to be more precise. One moment he was enjoying the time spent with his sister and friend, and like the flick of a switch, he was up and out. Every fiber of his being was focused on not throwing up in the middle of a crowded mall. Although he appreciated the fact that Pacifica had reached out to help him, she was somewhere in the realm of last people he wanted to find out about his condition.

A large sum of air was inhaled, prepping Dipper for what was possibly the hardest monologue of his life. Pacifica sat next to him, patiently waiting for anything he was willing to give.

He began, "Well, five years ago, after Mabel and I returned home I noticed I was barely able to sleep at night. It wasn't that bad at first, but it quickly got there. For whatever reason, every time I closed my eyes I heard this. . .ringing?" Dipper's voice faltered. Saying it out loud forced him to hear the weirdness of his situation. Weird. That was certainly nothing new for him. "I didn't know what it was. All I knew is it wouldn't stop. Soon after, the ringing turned to headaches which then turned to full-body pains. For two nights in a row, I was rolling around in bed trying so hard to sleep. On the third night, a week before we got here, I decided to pay more attention to whatever my problem was."

"And?" Pacifica asked.

"I had to wait until Mabel was asleep. I didn't want her knowing — she would just get worried. Around 2:30, I couldn't find an answer and decided to try and sleep. But as soon as I closed my eyes, I swear I heard his voice. 'Pines. Pines. Pines', I heard him say over and over again. Never in my life had I felt so cold and alone than in that moment. It was only my name, but each time, I could feel his rage growing. The voices finally stopped after a few minutes. I ended up running to the bathroom where I threw up. Thankfully nobody was awake so I had time to get rid of the smell. It seems that even after leaving Gravity Falls, I haven't been able to escape what happened. He left me with permanent damage. Anything that resembles Weirdmageddon usually triggers some sort of memory. That's why I ran out a few minutes ago. It wasn't a gust of wind we felt — it was a surge of energy."

Dipper wiped the hair away from his eyes. He looked down at his hands which were shaking from the stress. Pacifica carefully took his hands in her own and prompted him to continue if needed.

He said, "My family was the cause of so much destruction here. It was our fault. . .my fault. I couldn't stop him when I had the chance and it nearly cost everyone their lives. I didn't know what to make of the voice I heard that day—but now I'm sure. Pacifica, I think Bill's coming back." Dipper's voice trailed off at the end. Fear and anger dominated his senses. The mere mention of his name tightened his chest. Dipper gripped it and breathed heavily.

Without skipping a beat, Pacifica scooted closer and wrapped her arms around him. She whispered in his ear, "You are the bravest guy I've ever met. Even if that creep returns, I know we can beat him again. We did it once, after all. You aren't alone." She didn't say anything else. She didn't need to. Dipper, for a moment, felt safe.

His breathing stabilized and his body settled down. He gently grabbed onto Pacifica's arms and tried to remove them, but she wouldn't let go.


"Hm?" She said, not loosening her grip.

"Maybe you should let go. They don't look happy."

Without letting go, she turned her head to meet the stunned expressions of her friends. They stood nearby. Their glares burned holes through the intimate moment her and Dipper shared.

"Pacifica, what're you doing on the ground?" One friend asked.

"Who is this guy?" Another asked, scanning Dipper's entire appearance.

"Doesn't matter. How'd you know I was back here?" Pacifica asked with a less-than-subtle annoyed tone.

"We saw you running after him."

"So, you followed me?" Pacifica reluctantly separated herself and stood up. Her friends no longer had the height advantage on her.

Pacifica's friend turned his attention to Dipper. "What do you think you were doing back here with her?"

Pacifica held out her finger, "Excuse me, you're talking with me. And he can hang out with whomever he wants." Dipper stood and placed a hand on her shoulder. His face read it's okay.

"I'm Dipper Pines. Pacifica and I were just talking, not that it's any of your business. And I've known her for a few years now, so I definitely wouldn't recommend talking to her like that. Unless, of course, you're a fan of being hit with purses."

Dipper knew Pacifica wouldn't resort to hitting someone anymore, whether or not they were rude to her, but he figured her new "friends" didn't care enough to know that. They seemed primarily invested in themselves and their image. So Dipper thought playing on the Northwest's old reputation might work.

"Pines? You're related to that old cheap who runs the Mystery Shack, right? The one who defeated. . .what was his name? That triangle?" Pacifica's friends debated between themselves. The name of the world's most dangerous enemy was somehow forgotten among them.

Pacifica quickly stopped the conversation before it went even further South, "Stop! Enough! I told you it's been a while and I was going to catch up with him. So, if you don't mind, or even if you do, we'll be going." She took his hand and dragged him back into the mall with her. Her destination was anywhere her friends weren't. Pacifica was so caught up in frustration, she didn't notice she was still holding Dipper's hand.

"Sorry about them." Dipper said. For the third time, Pacifica gave him the most confused look he'd seen on a teenager.

"Why're you apologizing for something you didn't do? They were my friends, I should apologize."

He returned her comment with a smile. Up until recently, his smiles had been stress-filled and fake. But with Pacifica, there was a different feel to it. It came naturally. Soft and peaceful, as if his 12-year old self came forward for a moment to say hello.

Pacifica's eyes widened a bit before turning away. "We should get back inside. I'm sure Mabel's waiting."

Dipper silently agreed. One thing he did notice was the return of a familiar feeling in his chest. This one wasn't regarding Bill, however. This one was usually associated with Wendy.

Surely he wasn't developing feelings for Pacifica Northwest of all people. Right?

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