six ☆ i like talking to you

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narrator's pov:

lillian walked to school, and met up with corbyn in the quad. she had stayed up extra late last night, studying for multiple tests.

"hey, i have your phone," lillian said, passing corbyn his phone.

"by any chance, did you do my streaks?" corbyn asked.

"oh, no, i'm sorry," lillian apologized, yawning.

"NO, ZACH AND I HAD A STREAK OVER SIX HUNDRED DAYS!" corbyn shouted, falling to his knees.

"i'm just kidding, i did your streaks," lillian laughed.

"oh my gosh, YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!" corbyn remarked.


"okay, now that we have reviewed for the test, i'll distribute the packets and you may begin," mr. frank remarked.

lillian's head shot up, "wait, what happened?"

"you missed the review for the test, and now mr. frank is passing it out," corbyn replied.

"shoot, shoot, shoot!" lillian shrieked, opening her textbook to at least get in a few seconds of studying, "how come you didn't wake me up?"

"well, you looked so peaceful and cute, so i didn't want to," corbyn declared.

"now is not the time to be charming, corbyn. there's a test in english today, one in spanish tomorrow, and some more that i forgot. i was up so late studying last night," lillian explained, yawning.

she took the packet from mr. frank, and began to take her physics test.


after school ended, the football team headed onto the field to practice for championships, while the cheerleaders practiced on the sidelines.

lillian was not thrilled to have to go to cheer practice due to all of the tests and studying that made her sleep deprived.

"alright, let's rehearse our halftime dance. it has to be perfect for the championships," chloe remarked, starting the music.

the girls took their positions, but for some reason, lillian couldn't take her eyes off corbyn while he was practicing.

"lillian! the stunt is about to go down! focus!" mackenzie whisper shouted.

she shook her head and focused on the stunt, but once it was brought down, she went back to watching corbyn. he caught the football, and the coach complimented him, "nice, besson!"

"turner, you are two counts behind!" the cheer coach shouted.

why am i so off today?, lillian thought.


lillian sighed, as she walked out of the girls locker room. just as she walked out, she saw chloe talking to corbyn, zach, jack, jonah, and daniel.

"i'll catch up with you guys," corbyn parted, walking up to lillian, "hey, lily pad."

half-asleep, lillian replied, "oh, hi, corbyn."

"are you cold?" corbyn laughed, pointing at lillian's crop top and sweatpants, "here, take my jacket."

"actually, i'm freezing," lillian remarked, taking his varsity football jacket, "thank you."

"you're so tired, lily pad. i'm going to take you out," corbyn declared, pulling lillian to his car.

"corbyn, when someone is tired, a normal person would let them sleep. they wouldn't take them out somewhere," lillian laughed.

"please? you'll like where i'm taking you," corbyn begged.

"alright, fine," lillian agreed.


liked by corbynbesson, waverlymatts, chloehabrock, and 3,490 otherslilyreed pancakes and berries at 3pm is something i never knew i needed📸 : corbynbessonview all 392 comments

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liked by corbynbesson, waverlymatts, chloehabrock, and 3,490 others
lilyreed pancakes and berries at 3pm is something i never knew i needed
📸 : corbynbesson
view all 392 comments...
corbynbesson beautiful girl 🤩🤩
          ↳ lilyreed :)
charlielyons no chocolate chips on your pancakes? how dare you.
          ↳ kenzie.simmons they taste
          better without chocolate 🤷🏻‍♀️
chloehabrock aww my favorites 😍
          ↳ lilyreed 🥰
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"so, tell me a little about yourself," corbyn suggested, taking a bite out of his pancake.

"well, my name is lillian reed turner. i love hot chocolate, picnics, and hiking," lillian started, "um, even though i'm seventeen, i'm still afraid of the dark, thunder, and being alone."

"huh, i never knew any of that stuff," corbyn remarked, "i'm corbyn matthew besson, and i like space, photography, and my dog."

"that's cute," lillian complimented, "let's keep asking each other questions to get to know each other."

"okay," corbyn agreed, "why did you try out for the cheer team?"

"well, i always liked cheer, so i just did it," lillian answered, "why did you try out for football?"

"same answer as you," corbyn chuckled, "what do you think is the most important part of a relationship?"

"definitely communication and trust. without communication and trusting your partner, there is no relationship," lillian declared.

"that's true," corbyn agreed, "is it hard for you to welcome people into your life?"

that question hit lillian, "well, yes. that's why i like having a small group of friends, because i know they will always be there for me. the more people you let in your life, the more they can just walk out."

"wow, i never knew you felt that way," corbyn replied.

"what about you, corbyn, is it hard for you to welcome people into your life?" lillian asked.

"sometimes. i'm similar to you about liking a small group of friends. zach, chloe, jack, jonah, daniel, and i have grown up together, and we all just have each other," corbyn explained, "i like talking to you, lily pad."

"i like talking to you too, corbyn," lillian responded.

wait, am i actually growing real feelings for her?, corbyn thought.


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