Chapter one

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"WHEN WILL A WHORE LIKE YOU LEARN!!!??" I held my face after the impact from his hand hit me. "I am sorry dear, I promise I will not be late again," I apologized looking down. "Damn right," he hissed shoving me to the wall very roughly. I continued to look down to the ground as I waited for him to finish his food.

This was my husband... Alfred Jones. He was not always like this, especially at the beginning of our marriage. When we were not married, he treated me a lot better, once married, I noticed he started to change so much. Alfred has become extremely abusive, Physically and mentally. I tried to leave once, but it did not end well.  He had hurt me so hard that I broke my arm, of course, he threatened me in the hospital that if I told anyone, he would kill me. I am not proud of my weakness, but I was terrified. So I lied and said I fell down the stairs.

"Get me a beer will you Alice," he looked at me making me nod. Alfred and I had a daughter together. Her name was Amelia, and I always try and make sure she never saw the abuse, but it was hard. I need to ensure she grows up happy, not seeing her mamma being hit constantly. "Here you go Dear," I tried smiling handing Alfred the beer.  "Tomorrow is Amelia's first day of school so I will be taking her," I explained making him glare harshly at me. "Fine but be quick. You know I do not like when you are out long," he shook his head eating his food. Alfred has work early in the morning, I doubt he will know if I get home late or not.

"Yes sir," I smiled leaving his presence. I walked up the steps and into Amelia's room. "Hello darling, are you ready for school?" I asked sitting on the floor and seeing her color happily. "Yes, mama!" She started to jump around. "That is good to hear my beautiful rose," I smiled pulling her in for a hug. I love my daughter to death and would do anything for her happiness. She was my beautiful angel. "Mama, were you and papa fighting?" She asked innocently as I tried holding up a smile. "Not at all; we were just playing a game." I lied, making her smile and nod.

"Now then, it is time for bed, dear." I smiled, standing up. I lifted her off the ground and held her in my arms to go to bed. "Would you like a story?" I asked, and she nodded eagerly. "Alright, let us see..." I thought, putting my finger on my chin to think. "Ahhh!!! I know. Once upon a time, there was a princess named Amelia," I started causing her to giggle sweetly.

"Amelia was different from all the other princesses, though. She dreamed of one day being a superhero," I added making her eyes sparkle with joy. "So one day she set off to become the greatest hero in the world," I smiled as she started to dig herself into her pink covers. "Then what happened?" She asked with interest. "She found a friend who showed her a way to achieve her dreams; with that, she learned a valuable lesson," I said finishing, and Amelia looked confused. "I do not understand," she said innocently.

"My dearest, if you find your friend, they will have all the answers for you," I smiled, making her gasp in excitement. "I will be friends with everyone tomorrow!!!" She said, excited nearly jumping out of bed. "You need some sleep first, love," I laughed, tucking her back into the bed. "Yes mum," she smiled, closing her eyes in a silly way. "Now then, get some sleep, Amelia," I smiled, standing up from the bed.

I touched her head softly as I turned the lamp off beside her. I must protect her with my every last breath. I love her. I dusted off my skirt as I stepped out of her room, tired, back to the hell of the night. "Stop treating her like a baby all the time," Alfred looked at me, annoyed. "She is only six," I explained, a bit annoyed, but he continued to shake his head at me. "You give her too much attention all the time when you should be using that energy for me," he laughed, playing with my hair.

"She needs me," I said sadly. I looked at him, and he had a face of evil as he grabbed my hair tightly, pulling it down. "That hurt," I cried, pulling away from him. "Hurry up and get to bed already," he hissed once more as I nodded.

I was tired of living this life. All I wanted to do was leave with Amelia somewhere far away. Maybe somewhere in Europe? Like London. A girl could dream, I guess, I doubt I will ever be able to escape this madness.

I walked into the bathroom and started to change my clothes slowly. I was tired of everything already. Some nights I stayed up late terrified of what is to come the next day. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw bruises along my chest and arms. I started wearing long sleeves a year ago after he started bruising my arms. It was so Amelia would not see, it was the worst in the summertime.

After getting dressed, I walked into the bedroom seeing Alfred there waiting for me. "Strip, you know better,r" he looked at me in a predatory way. It will not be as bad if I pretend I am not here. I nodded, taking off my night down for him to see me naked. I felt hot tears stream down my face as I tried to cover myself. "Get over here now," he said roughly, making me nod, terrified. Just think of something else.... maybe then it will go away.


Hey thanks for reading so far.

I know the topic is rough, but I promise it won't be bad through out the book.

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