Chapter ten

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I woke up the next day in a hospital full of police officers, my husband, and Francine. "Ma'am, calm down; the husband is denying any of this happened," the police officer tried to calm Francine down as she looked at me, relieved that I woke up. "The husband says she fell down the stairs, and there is no evidence of beatings from him." The police officer said, making me turn to Alfred, who smirked an evil smirk at me. As if saying, "if you say anything, you are dead," it terrified me to my core.

"Ma'am, is it true that you were beaten?" The police officer looked at me.... as did everyone else in the room. "That is not fair! He is here; how do you expect her to be honest when-..." Francine was cut off as the officers held her back from Alfred, who looked at her smugly as if he was rubbing it in her face that he won. "Of course, I did not; we have a daughter together.... why would I want to hurt the woman who gave birth to my sweet angel," Alfred said, shocked as the police bought his story.

"Miss, he has no record of abuse; even the child says she has not seen anything," the police explained to Francine as I felt tears stream down my cheeks. "Alice tell them..." Francine looked at me. I turned to Alfred who had a threatening look on his face. Francine also senses the threat and looked as if she wanted to murder him. "I fell..... just please leave me be..... everyone," I begged as the doctor started to push everyone out of the room. I could feel Francine look back, disappointed. I could not face her after lying.....I soon turned over on my side slowly and started to sob. Feeling the pain rush through me as I tried to think about something else.

After three days of being in the hospital, I was able to go home. Francine has come to stay with me every day and kept me updated with Amelia. She was still going to school, and it made me relieved. Especially since Francine said, she was her normal self. This means Alfred kept his promise of not hurting her. Francine told me she was working on getting me a passport, which also made me relieved but it would take some time. About three more weeks.

Francine and I talked about what happened when I denied it, and she kept reassuring me that she understood. I felt extremely terrible, but I was still terrified to the point where I started to flinch at Francine's touch once more. I am sure she noticed the quiver I gave off whenever she tried to run circles on my back. I saw it in her eyes, the look of despair and heartbreak as she saw someone she cared about traumatized.

Today I was able to go home, and I told Francine I would be fine; I knew Alfred was not dumb enough to send me to the hospital twice or make any more noticeable bruises any time soon. I just wanted to see my baby already; I missed her dearly. Thankfully, Francine dropped me off at my house, I told her I would text her or call her when I got the chance, so she knows I am okay.  "Wait! Before you go," she stopped to look at me. "Yes?" I asked, looking at her. "Please... be careful" she looked at me sadly as she leaned on, kissing my cheek sweetly.

I had never felt my face get so hot from embarrassment. "Okay..." I said feeling my head spin. "Are you okay?" She asked, and I smiled nodding. "Yes.... actually, can you do that again?" I asked nervously, and she started to chuckle. A chuckle that had so much love in it. Her voice made my heart flutter in happiness and warmth. "Okay," she laughed, leaning in to kiss my cheek once more. As if some force commanded me to do it, I grabbed her face and kept her close to me as I turned to look her straight in the eyes.

"Alice...." she whispered, and it made me smile. "I love you," I looked at her seriously as I kissed her lips softly. "Alice?" She laughed in shock as she held my hair with her fingers. "Yes?" I asked nervously, and she smiled, kissing me back. "You have made me happy.... thank you," she cried, touching our foreheads together.  "I must go now... I will call you soon," I added, trying to pull myself away, but it was starting to get difficult with each passing second. Saying I loved her lifted weights off of my shoulder.  It made me feel happy and relieved.

I stepped out of the car slowly, and I took out my crutches. I told Francine before that for safety; I wanted to walk to the house by myself. Who knows if he would see her and blow a fuse? "Bye, Alice," she called, and I waved to her as she slowly drove off. I turned to the house and started to limp to the door with the crutches in my arms. It was really hard to walk with them, especially since I was afraid I might fall over if I went too fast or if I landed on them wrong.

I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the house door. It was extremely dark in the house as I searched for a light. However, Alfred turned one on for me. "I have been waiting for you," he hissed, standing up. "I know," I answered, looking down. He crossed his arms, and I looked straight into his eyes as if begging for mercy. "Now then, explain this!" He yelled, throwing something at me that made me nearly lose my balance. "I found this all over the house; care to explain?" He looked angry as I saw all the money I had tried to hide from him.

He found the emergency money I planned to use to leave.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️

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