Chapter fourteen

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"Would you like some more tea, mon amour?"
"Yes, that would be lovely."
"Not as lovely as you."
Francine stood up to pour me a cup of tea as I sat back in my chair to feel the breeze on my face. "Amelia, Maddie, be careful darlings," I called as they continued to giggle "yes mama" their childish laugh warmed my heart. "Here you are my dear, just like you like it," Francine came back with my tea, having a seat beside me. "I never thought I would be here with you," I looked at my beautiful wife.

"Why not? This could be whatever you wish" she smiled, and I nodded, sitting back calmly. Whatever I want huh....that sounds lovely. "I love you, Alice; maybe we should take the girls out for a picnic tomorrow evening?" Francine asked smiling, and I nodded. "That sounds lovely," I smiled for a bit until my eyes widen. "Wait!!!" I said, standing up to look at her.

"What is wrong my love?" Francine asked, standing up to look at me. "I was my house ...not too long ago," I said as a breeze blew my hair. "Non, we have been here this whole time Alice," she looked at me confused. "No....this isn't real," I started to cry as I looked around sadly. "Of course, it is" she looked at me sadly.

"IT IS NOT WORKING" I heard a voice call around me as I looked all around me for the source. "You must be tired; let me take you to bed my darling," Francine smiled sweetly as I looked at her. "I can't; he told me not to," I cried as she came to wipe my tears. "You will feel better though. Is that not what you want? To feel better?" She looked at me, worried, and I nodded. "I do, but I want to be with my real Francine..." I said sadly, and her face fell.

"Nothing can get past you Alice; that's what I love," she smiled as she came to give me a hug. "She needs you, so hurry and wake up already," She looked at me seriously as I tried my hardest. "Do not leave us, mommy; wake up already," Amelia and Maddie walked toward me, and the breeze grew stronger. "Will I one day be here?" I asked, and they all shrugged. "Only if you let that happen," Francine smiled as a tear fell from her cheek.

"Just wake up," Amelia smiled her beautiful smile that started to make me cry. "I can't; it is hard," I said, crying, falling to my knees. "KEEP TRYING!!!" I heard another voice call in a sad way. I looked around for the source but nothing. "You can do it," Maddie smiled, patting my hand. "I will-." I was cut off when everything around me turned black.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around the black area around me until suddenly a bright light appeared. "Mamma? ....mamma!!!" I heard Amelia's voice call making me look around for her. "Slowly," I heard my voice say...but I did not speak. I turned to the source, and it was a memory of me holding Amelia up as she tried to grab an apple from an apple tree in the park we once visited together.  "Alice, this would look darling on you," Francine said, making me turn quickly. She was holding up a dress to my body, smiling.

"Alice, Alice! Come on!" It was Allistor, he was pulling me towards my brothers.... we looked so small. "Are these... my memories?" I asked, confused, looking around. There were a lot more, from when I helped Amelia on her first steps to when I helped Maddie with a coloring picture. The beautiful things in my life. I looked around and saw a memory of Francine laughing. I had no idea what she was laughing at, but the fact that she was laughing made my heart flutter in happiness. That is when my eyes stopped on a certain memory. It was when Francine and I kissed.

"No, I want to go back," I cried, trying to run towards the memory, but it was like it kept getting farther and farther from me. "Francine! My love!" I called as I continued to run toward it. Until I finally fell to the floor, giving up. "No..." I cried. "NOOOOO!!!" I cried as I closed my eyes tightly, hitting my fists against the floor. "I WANT TO GO BACK NOW!!!" I cried more.






"HUUUUHHHHHH!!!!!" I took a deep breath as I sat up quickly, looking around me. "You did it; you brought her back," Allistor cried as Dylan sat back, relieved. I looked to the side, seeing a sobbing Francine. "Francine?" I called, and she stopped looking back at me quickly. "My love, I thought I lost you," she started as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Me too," I said slowly as they all hugged me. I did not die, thank goodness. I looked around the room, and it still looked a bit dark. It was probably dark out already, I am sure. I looked down at my foot, which looked extremely bruised and purple. "Thank you... Dylan," I looked to my brother, and he nodded. "You will not be able to walk for some time, so be careful" he warned as I nodded.

"I thought I lost you," Francine continued to cry, holding me tightly. "I would never," I smiled, patting her head. I would have been heartbroken to have left Francine and the girls. They were my new family. My brothers are also here like I hoped to have seen them one day. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I cried in happiness. I was free from the horror I had lived through my entire life. "We are here for you," Allistor reassured me as he patted my back. Those words...I only dreamed of hearing them a few months ago.

Thanks for reading so far. The next chapter should be the last one .

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