Chapter eight

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"Ahhh, Sorry about that. We do not expect visitors so you startled me," Alfred walked toward me and pulled me closer to him. He put his hand around my waist and pinched my side a bit as if telling me to smile. I stood up straight and smiled at Francine. "Of course, as would anyone, of course. Your wife was telling me that you worked late so I did not expect anyone to come, forgive me for being startled," Francine smiled her sweetest smile to not look suspicious. "Alfred Dear, this is the friend I have been telling you about."

Francine's eyes widened in happiness, hearing me say I talked about her. "Ahhh.... she is nothing like how you describe. Ma'am, you are prettier than words could describe," Alfred laughed, winking at Francine. I looked away, feeling myself grow angry as he flirted with her. However, I was not mad he was flirting. I was mad that it was to her. He is not allowed to have her! "Sir, you flatter me, but out of respect, I suggest not to say that in front of your wife," her face grew serious as she tried not to look at him with disgust.

"She knows I am joking," Alfred laughed, slapping my back roughly. "What brings you home so early, Dear?" I asked, keeping a smile up. "I forgot something Alice; when I get back from work, we will have a discussion about that trip we are planning," Alfred smirked at me, walking away. Whenever he said that it meant he was going to get mad at me. I looked over to Francine, who seemed heartbroken about me leaving.

I waited for Alfred to get to the top of the steps before explaining that I would not be leaving. "He will get mad other words," I said with a straight face looking off. Who knew what he would do to me this time? "Leave with me now; I can not bare the thought of you staying here with him another day," she begged, and I shook my head. "I just can't," I explained, and she looked heartbroken. "Well, I will be off now, Alice," Alfred skipped down the steps as he walked toward me quickly. Gave me the biggest kiss on my lips. The kiss was filled with anger and poison as I took the ugly gesture.

Once he separated, I looked to Francine, whose face looked as if trying not to get red in anger. The kiss bothered her to the point that she wanted to destroy everything in her path. "Goodbye," Alfred cheered as he left the house. "Are you well?" I asked Francine looking at her now anger-filled face. "I do not know if I should say ma Cherie, Alice," she laughed, making me lift an eyebrow. "Of course, you can. We are here for each other," I smiled, making the anger go away from her face.

"To be frank.... it pissed me off to see him kiss you," she said bluntly, making my eyes widen. "If it makes you feel better, I did not like it," I laughed nervously as she stared at me. I felt myself being pulled toward her as I turned to see. She held me in her arms as she looked at me sadly. "Alice, I care so much about you, please.... we can leave together," she looked at me, and I finally nodded. "Okay fine.... when shall we do it? It can't be today, though... I need a week the most to slowly pack some things.... important things," I explained, and she nodded.

"Where to? Anywhere you want, I will make it happen," she asked, making me think. "I wish to go to London.... most of my family is there, some of which have never met Amelia," I explained, and she nodded. "Who is there?" She asked, and I smiled a bit. "My brothers and mother," I explained, and she nodded. That is when I remembered something. I rushed to a kitchen drawer and pulled out the bottom. "This is a postcard from one of my brothers.... it has his number on there," I held it out for her.

"You never contacted him?" She asked, confused, and I shook my head. "I had no idea how; it would have shown on the phone bill that I took a call to the UK," I explained, and she nodded, taking the postcard. "I will call them and let them know you are coming home next week," she said, putting the card in her purse. She looked at me and held my cheeks in her palm. "Are you ready to do this?" She asked, concerned, and I nodded. "Yes....take me away, please" I started to cry as I looked into her eyes.

"Mon amour..... with pleasure," she looked at me with love. A look I had never seen someone give me in such a long time. "Mon amour?" I asked, and she nodded. "It love," she explained before holding me closer to her chest. My love? It has been so long since someone has shown me, love. It made my heart cry in agony; it made me want to fly off; it made me want to give it back. I knew I liked girls, but this was different... I finally found someone who made me feel something different.

"I love you, Alice, and I want to protect you," she cried into my neck as my eyes widened. "You.... love me?" I asked, feeling a sob choke me. Soon enough, I started to hold her tightly as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Yes! I love you! With all my heart," she added, making me cry some more. She loved me... someone loves me, and I believe it. I believe she is not ill intention that she loves me. "Thank you...." I whispered as I hid my face in her shoulder.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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