Chapter six

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"You are doing it wrong," Francine laughed placing her hand on mine stirring the pot of food. "I am trying" I looked at her laughing letting her lead the way. "Like this", she smiled rotating my hand on the spoon. "Mama is the food ready?" Amelia jumped as Francine separated from behind me. "Yes.... right?" I asked to make sure, and Francine smiled at me nodding. "Awww mama has a girlfriend," Madeline jumped out from the hallway pointing to us. "A girlfriend?! How silly!" Amelia laughed, pointing to me. "Maddie, you know Ms. Alice here is just a new friend of mine," Francine chuckled looking at her daughter.

"Yes, Amelia, Francine is my new best friend" I smiled at their silly behavior. "Does that mean you like each other?" Amelia asked innocently. "Yes! We like each other very much," I answered her as Francine walked behind me to get plates for the girls to eat on. The girls looked at each other mischievously before running out of the kitchen. "Go take a seat; I got this," Francine smiled to push me off. "Are you sure?" I asked uncertainly, and she nodded.

It was weird not to have to serve myself. I began to tap my foot nervously, waiting for Francine to come. "You are pretty," Madeline looked at me sweetly making my eyes widen. "Right! My mama is the prettiest in the world," Amelia chimed in. I forwarded my brows in sadness as I tried to hold back a sob. "You are angels," I said with a shaking voice.  "You are beautiful, my dearest; own it," Francine chirped as she placed a plate of food in front of the girls and me to eat. "You are flattering, Francine. Are you always like this?" I chuckled, taking the fork in my hand.

"Only to people I like a lot" she smirked. I laughed at her comment as all of us began to laugh and eat together. This feeling was something I had never experienced before. At least, not in a long time. It felt so warm and happy like we were a family of some sort. "You look happy" Francine smiled, drinking her wine. "I am; I have had an amazing time with you," I smiled looking at her in a dreamy way. I have never been attracted to women before, but she was just so beautiful to look at.

Suddenly my phone started to ring as I looked down. "Crap, what time is it?" I asked, standing up. "It is six-thirty," Francine said, making my face drop horrified. Alfred was calling me, so I quickly answered. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU WITH OUR CHILD?!" He yelled in my ear making me become nervous. I lost track of time. I stayed quiet looking at Francine in a worrying way. "Ahhhh, well, Amelia's friends invited her to spend the night this weekend, so dropped her off; I will be home soon," I said worried as I looked at everyone.

"Yay!!! Sleepover!" The children called jumping around. However, Francine looked disgusted from hearing Alfred yell at me through the phone. "GET HOME NOW! OR ELSE!" He yelled making me instinctively nod. "Yes dear, of course..." I said with a shaking voice as I hung up. Francine stood up from her seat and pulled me into a separate room. Which I assume is her bedroom maybe. "Do not go, please; I can not bare the thought of what he might do to you," she held me closely into an embrace. As if hoping I would not leave her.

"I have to go," I said sadly into her ear. "Let me give you my number at least; please text me," she begged as I handed her my phone agreeing. "You only have your husband's number on here? What about your family?" She looked shocked at my empty contact list. "I am not close to them, so I don't have their number. Especially since Alfred never liked them," I explained, making her shake in anger. "Alice! If you need anyone, I will always be here for you" She looked at me in A loving way as she held me closer in her arms.

"Do not worry, I will make sure Amelia will be fine here." She added, pulling away from me. "Thank you so much, Francine," I said feeling like I wanted to cry. No one has ever been so nice to me before. It was new, and I loved it so much. "Maybe, we can hang out more...just the two of us" she smiled hopefully making me nod. "Yes....of course," I smiled sweetly


"You took too long..." Alfred hissed, pushing me to sit on the couch. "Sorry, I was talking to the mom of the child" I looked down, feeling his eyes on me in an angry way. I could not stop thinking about what Francine said. She wanted to hang out with me..! To spend time with me! It made me so happy that I could not be sad or afraid at the moment. "Look at me," Alfred hissed, grabbing my face tightly to look at me.

"Is she supposed to be a new friend of yours or something?" He asked, annoyed, and I could not hold back a smile. She was my friend! And it made me happy. "Yeah, I guess so," I giggled happily, closing my eyes as I thought about Francine's nice smile. Alfred pushes my face back away from him as he continued to look at me, disgusted. "Make me dinner now," he demanded, making me nod, standing up to head to the kitchen.

I smiled as I made dinner for him. I should text her; she might be worried about me anyway. Plus, I want to know if Amelia is doing fine. This is the first time she is staying over at someone else's house. But I am sure she is having a blast with little Maddie. I took out my phone secretly and started to text Francine.

Thanks for reading so far

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