Chapter two

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"Hurry, mama!! We are going to be late!" Amelia jumped around excitedly. "Okay, wait up," I laughed letting her pull me to the car. I opened the car door, lifting her to place her on the seat. "I pushed my hair back out of my face and got into the driver's seat. Alfred leaves to work in ten minutes, and the drive to the school takes twenty minutes. That means I could probably go shopping for a nice shirt maybe. So my husband does not know I buy myself things. I sell baked goods on the side to my neighbors.

That way, I have extra money for emergencies, and Alfred won't always know what I am doing throughout the day since I have his credit card.  So far, I have about two thousand dollars from selling baked goods saved up. I want to take Amelia far away as I can one day. But I do not know how to do it or when to start. I am terrified of leaving. He has threatened to hurt Amelia before; I know I will not be able to live with myself if she were to get hurt.

"We are here, mama!" She yelled making me cover my ears. "I see that dear," I laughed nervously as I pulled into the school.  I parked, getting out of the car quickly to release the child in my back seat. "Now, mama needs to sign some paperwork so when we get to your classroom so calm down a bit" I laughed taking her hand in mine as we walked into the school.

The school was filled with so many children running back and forth. "Hi ma'am, is your daughter a first-time student" I heard a sweet voice call making me turn my head around quickly. She had a bright smile and hair in a bun. I assume she was a teacher. "Ahhh, yes, I need to find her classroom," I laughed nervously, showing the woman the paper. She smiled so nicely at me as she took the paper in her hand to look at it.

"What a coincidence, your daughter is in my classroom," she looked up from the paper smiling. Amelia has been hiding behind my leg, looking up at the woman. "My name is Francine bonnefoy, but you may call me Mrs. bonnefoy" she smiled as a small head popped out from behind her. "This is my daughter Madeline; she is also starting her first year," she smiled down at her daughter.

"It is so nice to meet you," I smiled, bending down to her level to make eye contact. "Hi! I am Amelia!!" Amelia yelled, hugging the other small child roughly. "Amelia, mind your manners," I laughed nervously, looking to Francine, who giggled amused. "Here, let's walk to the class together," she laughed, pushing us lightly in a different direction. I held Amelia's hand as she tried to run around that poor little girl.

"Here we are, now let me get the paperwork for you to sign; you can turn them in whenever soon as possible is recommended" Francine laughed a bit walking to her desk. "Madeline, do you want to sit together?" Amelia asked happily. "Sure," Madeline smiled letting Amelia pull her along. "Here we are, "Francine came to me carrying papers. "Thank you so much," I smiled looking at a bunch of the kids who start coming into the classroom with their parents.

"Also, a flyer to be a part of the PTA is in there as well. It will be nice to see you at Thursday's meeting," Francine smiled sweetly. "Ahhh, I will see if I can make it; my husband might want to spend some time with me," I laughed nervously as she made a saddened face. "What a shame, I know Maddie will be there, and I am sure Amelia would love to play with her while we are at the meeting, she lifted a brow. Suddenly, Amelia came shaking me back and forth, asking for me to go.

"I will see what your father says. "I laughed nervously as her eyes filled with stars. Jeez, I am sure she will start to ask Alfred tonight. Who knows what he will say? "I have to go now, darling; see you at five," I bent down, kissing her cheek softly. "You are not staying?" She asked, shocked, and I shook my head. "No, it is for you to stay and learn something new," I smiled, patting her head and standing up to leave.

"Do not be late, mama! I am expecting you!" She said, determined as I laughed. "Of course," I smiled, fixing my purse. "It was a pleasure to meet you; maybe we can let our girls have a play date on the weekend?" Francine suggested. "I will have to see, but I might just take you up on that offer," I laughed once more. This is the first time I will not have Amelia with me during the weekdays. I will miss her so much.

I walked out of the classroom to leave. As I did, I was urged to go back to see if she would be okay. Meeting the teacher made me feel so relieved, though. I am sure Francine will be the best teacher ever.

As I left the school, I decided to go to nearby goodwill to shop for some clothes. They are not the newest or the best. But I can not buy myself something extravagant to where Alfred will notice and start asking some questions. It was a bit disappointing, but I always found something that suited my taste very well, which was a plaid button-up shirt or brown pants. I have to be happy with what I have, after all. I pulled into a nearby GoodWill and felt a bit excited to go shopping after a long time. I have not gone out to buy myself something in a long time; it was a great change for once.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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