Chapter four

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"You stupid bitch! What have I told you about rolling your eyes?!" My back hit the wall hard from his fist against my face. The force knocked off my glasses across the floor as I tried to cover my face. "I am sorry, I did not mean to. I meant it as a joke," I said as if begging for mercy. "The next time you do that, I won't be so soft!" He yelled, pulling my hair hard toward him. Forcing me to stand up quickly. "That hurts..." I cried, seeing him pull out strands of my hair.

Alfred finally let go as I rushed to get my glasses. Oh god.... he left a bruise on my face. How will I ever cover this up? I have no makeup. I started to cry, seeing how badly he hurt me. How will I ever show my face to Francine tomorrow? Amelia was so excited to see Maddie. I just can not miss it. I will just put on some sunglasses. I looked over to Alfred who stared at me with disgust. "You are so ugly, it is hard to look at you," he spat making me cry some more.


The next morning as I waited for Alfred to leave I was in the restroom putting a cold cloth on my face to get the bruise to go away. My glasses had gotten some scratches over them as well. I just need to act natural, seeing them today. I walked out of the bathroom looking at Alfred who was about to head out. "See you soon," he smiled kissing my lips forcefully. "Yes, dear," I said sadly as he left out the door. I looked out the window waiting for him to drive off before rushing upstairs to Amelia's room.

"Honey, we are to go to Maddie's place today, remember?" I smiled asking, and she jumped out of bed quickly to get ready. "Can I bring some of my stuff to show her?" She asked excitedly. "Yes, Of course" I smiled, getting some clothes for her to wear. "Mama?" Amelia said slowly making me look at her. "What is it?" I asked confused, and she gestured for me to kneel down to her, which I did. "Are you Alright my love?" I asked, and she shook her head sadly as she touched the bruise on my face. "What happened?"

"Ahhh, do not worry, darling. Mama just fell again, you know me, very clumsy," I laughed lying to her. She must not know what is going on. She is too precious for the world and will not understand why daddy is hitting mommy across the face. I do not even understand either. She turned around hesitantly before grabbing a bag to put toys in. I walked out of her room as she got ready, feeling my heart ache as tears streamed down my face. She will one day grow up and know what was really happening, and that breaks my heart the most.


After an hour or so, we finally left for Francine's house. From the address she gave me. I was really excited as well to see her, she has been so nice to me. I think we might be friends, but I am not sure. Plus she was so pretty to look at, I honestly did not know how someone could be so pretty. I was jealous of her beauty, to be honest.

"Hey! We are so glad you could come; Maddie woke up early to make sandwiches," Francine looked to Amelia, who, of course, had stars in her eyes seeing Madeline. "Come in," Francine smiled as I tried not to look at her straight. "Thank you," I laughed nervously walking in beside Amelia. "Maddie, why don't you take our guest upstairs to play," Francine suggested making the girls nod and running upstairs.  I could hear Amelia continue to talk to Madeline in excitement from down the steps.

"Would you like some tea?" Francine asked as I still looked away. "Yes, that would be lovely," I smiled at the thought. I finally slowly turned to her, and she gasped in horror. "What happened to your face?!" She shrieked, horrified. "I just fell again," I laughed out, making her calm down.  However, I could tell she was not buying the story. However, she left it alone.

"Come take a seat," she smiled pushing me along. "Definitely," I smiled, sitting down. "Alice, you have such beautiful blonde hair; you should let me style it for you" she laughed about to touch my hair, but I flinched unintentionally. Damn it! My reflexes made me flinch when she reached for my hair.  "Ahh...that will not be necessary," I laughed, trying to cover up my sudden flinch. "Are you Alright?" She asked, worried as I nodded.

She glanced at me again before leaving for the kitchen to put the kettle on. "So I must know more about you; tell me about yourself." She smiled, coming back to sit across from me at the table. "About....myself?" I asked, unsure, trying to think. She must have realized I had no idea what to say, so she asked me a question.  "What kind of job do you have?" She asked, placing a plate of food in front of me. "Ahhh, I do not work. My husband wanted me to be a stay-at-home wife/mom.... so I said I would," I said a bit sadly.

"I am guessing that is not what you wanted... judging by how you said it," she lifted a brow at me. "I am going, to be honest. I wanted to be an engineer. I was even in college for some time. But I got pregnant with Amelia, and Alfred asked me to marry him. So I did. Then he told me it would be best to quit school since it would be hard for me... I wish I did not, but oh well," I said sadly, thinking about it. I should not have said yes to marrying that monster.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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