Chapter twelve

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"I won't do anything.... but he will for me," I breathed out as I fell to the ground. I looked over to Allistor who cracked his neck and knuckles as he walked over to Alfred who looked terrified. "Francine, take my sister and niece out of here," Allistor looked to Francine as she hurried to pick me up along with Amelia. How was she so strong? Maybe I was too weak. "Wait," I said stopping Francine as I picked up the money on the floor to take just in case.

"Wait!!! Alice, I love you, please don't leave me," Alfred yelled begging. He sounded innocent and love-filled. I turned to look at him and remembered the times he was nice to me. "Well, I love Francine," I cried, making Francine's eyes widen. "I love her way more than I have ever loved anyone else before.....I am sorry" I cried turning away from him. "Take me away please," I held Amelia in my arms as Francine held me in hers. "Of course," she nodded walking out the door with me trying to cover my face. "Mama, are you okay?" Amelia asked and I smiled nodding.

Francine took us to her car and fastened Amelia in for me as we started to hear screams coming from the house. I covered Amelia's ears until the screaming started to die down. "You called my brothers... to come to the states?" I looked to Francine, and she nodded. "Yes, I knew they would probably be able to help," she smiled nervously. "Thank you," I smiled at her as I lay my head against the car seat. I was finally leaving that man, and I owe it all to Francine.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"Francine asked, worried as I started to close my eyes slowly. "Oh god, your ankle, you've been bleeding my darling" she looked at me horrified. "Alice! We got it taken care of," my brothers called as I kept my eyes open. Trying to forget about my open wound. "Quick! We need to take her to the hospital; she is bleeding out!" Francine called, worried as they all stopped in their tracks. "Dylan is a doctor! Let him look!" My two brothers pushed Dylan towards me.

"Mama? What is wrong?" I heard Amelia ask making me turn to her quickly. "Nothing, darling" I smiled the best I could. "Seamas take her please," I told, and he nodded walking to her side of the car to get her and take her somewhere else. "Who are you?" Amelia asked sweetly as Seamas smiled sweetly at her. "I am your uncle, your mum's brother.... let's go play somewhere for a bit," Seamas smiled at her as he held her in her arms leaving to the backyard.

Dylan came closer to me and looked at my leg. "She is bleeding out; there is no time to take her to the hospital," he said horrified taking off his jacket to cover my leg. He was trying to stop the bleeding. "Don't close your eyes!" Francine said worried, and I tried to keep them open. "Do you have a sewing kit, Alice?" Dylan said, worried and I slightly nodded.

"" I managed to say as Allistor picked me up quickly to take me back inside. My head was about to fall back, but Allistor caught it just in time. Rushing into the house, I got a glimpse of a badly beaten Alfred. "Is he...?" Francine asked, horrified, and Allistor shook his head. "No, just unconscious," he said, pleased as they took me upstairs. Parts of my vision began to become black here and there as he placed me on the bed gently.

"Alice, listen to me.... where is it at?" Dylan tried to snap me awake. "The...bath-." I was not able to finish what I said, but Francine rushed to where I pointed to. "I will not let you bleed out," she said rushing to get the sewing kit. I looked to my brother who was trying to prevent me from bleeding out. "I" I tried to say, crying. "No! It is fine; I just wish we would have found out sooner" Allistor patted my head sweetly.

"I wanted" I cried as Allistor told me to shush. "Don't worry, little sis, we will make sure you come back to the UK with us," he smiled, and I breathed out relief. Dylan pulled Allistor aside as Francine walked in. They were talking about something that made Francine so angry that she stormed off. "What...? Happened??..." I asked in a shaking voice as they looked at me. "We are going to get started; just try not to fall asleep," Dylan warned making me nod as he opened the sewing kit. "Allistor get me hot water pronto," Dylan ordered, making Allistor nod, running off to get some.

I pushed my head back on the pillow, looking up to the ceiling, very tired. I wish I could have done things differently, but it is too late. "Have... you started?" I breathed out nervously. "Yes, I have; you can't feel anything because your foot went numb," Dylan explained, making me start to cry once more. "I got the hot water!" Allistor cane back into the room, placing the bucket on the floor beside Dylan. "Hold this here," Dylan told Allistor as he nodded, taking a knee on the floor.

"Where is Francine?" Dylan asked, and Allistor shrugged. "The last time I saw her, she was mad," Allistor explained as Dylan shook his head. "Hopefully, she does not do anything stupid," Dylan shook his head as he continued to work on my ankle. I closed my eyes for a bit and started to get tired. No! Dylan told me not to sleep, I can not just fall asleep at a time like this. I just can not. I need to think about Amelia, Francine, or even little Maddie. I do not want to disappoint.....them-

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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