Chapter three

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"Amelia's teacher asked if I would go to a meeting on Thursday to be a part of the PTA, I was wondering if that was okay?" I asked picking up Alfred's plate. I had just put Amelia down for bed right now, so it was a good time to ask. "Heh? To be around other whore moms too? Sounds fantastic. You should definitely go, make some new friends since you do not have any," he spat making me glare at the ground. "It is for Amelia, it would be nice to go and do something for her." I smiled desperately.

I looked at him and he studied me as if trying to see if I was lying. "Don't you do enough for her already?" He asked, annoyed and I shook my head. "I think this might be good for me as well," I said nervously, and he lifted a brow. "Please," I added almost in a begging tone. He looked at me in an evil way and laughed. "Fine, I guess I can let you go, but do not make me change my mind" he warned making me nod my head quickly. "Yes dear," I said my voice shaking as I turned to go wash the dishes.

This was new! I was able to do it. I am actually really excited about this. So much so that I started to smile and could not realize it, I could not wait to go to the PTA meeting. I will finally get to socialize, make friends, and have fun with other parents. I felt like crying from how happy I was. I am truly blessed to be able to go, especially in these tough times.

The next morning I told Francine that I would be attending the meeting, and Amelia was excited. I was glad she did not bother Alfred with asking. This way, it would be easier to talk to him.


"Maddie will be there, right?" Amelia asked as I buckled in her seatbelt. "Yes, of course, Mrs. bonnefoy said so herself," I smiled adjusting my shirt as I stepped into the car. The meeting was at seven at night which was a bit troubling, but I do not mind being away from home with Amelia. I am so proud of her for making friends as well. Now it is my turn to try to do the same.


"Hello! Welcome to the meeting!" A man smiled handing me a flyer. "Hi! Yes! Thank you for having us," I smiled at the man. "I am the principal here, my name is Mr. Cortez"  he smiled. "Wow! What a pleasure!" I shook his hand as Amelia started to get bored with our small talk. "Maddie!" She suddenly called, running toward a small child holding a stuffed polar bear. "Amelia be careful," I called looking at her worried. "Sorry about that," I added to the principal.

"I am so glad you came, Alice... right?" She asked, and I nodded smiling. "Yes, and thank you for inviting me; I was so excited about it" I smiled as she pulled me in a direction. "A bunch of the children are in a classroom playing with another substitute who volunteered to watch them," Francine added reassuring my look of worry. "That is good," I laughed. Watching Maddie pull Amelia into another area.

"So I have never done this before; what do I do first?" I asked, worried as she looked at me sweetly. "Well, these meetings are every Thursday to help raise money for things the children might need. There is a lot of community service in it," she explained, making me smile with excitement. "Wow, really?! How grand," I smiled looking at her. "Yes.... of course," she stuttered looking at me.

"Would you like a cookie?" She asked, and my eyes widened. I can not remember the last time I ate a cookie. Every time I baked, it was to get money, which means I never ate anything. Alfred did not like me eating sweets because he thought I will get fat. "Yes, please!!" I said, jumping like a child. Once I realized my action, I stopped suddenly to compose myself.

"Sorry about that.... I would love one," I smiled taking it in my hand and eating it slowly to savor the taste for as long as I could. "This is amazing," I said happily. Francine began to look at me oddly from my reaction. "Do you not eat cookies?" She asked, confused and I stopped eating for a second. "Ahhh.... well, I was on a diet for a few years, so I never ate them. It has been a while," I lied, making her look at me suspiciously. I hope I am not ruining this—my chance to make a new friend, for once.

"So Maddie has been bugging me to ask if Amelia can come over this weekend. They seem to get along very well in class and are inseparable," Francine added, a bit relieved. "That is great, and I can definitely see about Saturday at noon; Alfred will be away at work anyway; he will not be back till six at night," I smiled, making her nod happy. "I was worried about my dear Maddie not being able to make friends since she is so quiet, but I guess it was nice to see someone come to her" Francine smiled, looking forward.

"I hoped for Amelia to do the same as well, but she is a very open child." I laughed thinking about her. "How about Saturday at ten? Would that be alright!" She asked, smiling, and I nodded. "Yes, Alfred leaves to work at eight, so it works out," I smiled widely. I am glad Amelia met someone who wants to play all the time. 

After some time of chatting, the meeting finally started, and I got to hear about some cool projects coming up for the organization. I signed up to donate baked goods and to volunteer to help donate water for their field trip to the zoo. I had the time of my life, to be honest.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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