Chapter seven

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For the next couple of months, Francine and I became closer than ever. Sometimes we would spend late nights just texting each other, or have our children have a play date so we could see each other. We also saw each other every Thursday for the PTA meetings....and once in a while, I would sneak out to see her late at night, or vice versa. I felt myself becoming happier with being around her. However, Alfred did not know how close our relationship was getting, it could become a problem if he were to find out.

Today, Francine is taking the day off so she can be with me. I told her not to, but she refused to take no for an answer of course. I did not bother to fight against it since she was extremely stubborn. After I dropped Amelia off for school, Francine texted.

Franny: I am so excited to see you.

Me: yes! Me too

Francine and I had been texting nonstop all morning. Finally, I will be able to see her once I arrive home. She wanted to take me somewhere today but I asked if she would like to have some tea before leaving. Luckily, she loved the idea.

Once I arrived home, I quickly went to change and fix my hair, so it looked nicer. I giggled as I brushed through my hair, looking at myself in the mirror. "I should wear this," I giggled, looking at a blue plaid shirt to quickly put on. Once I heard a knock on the door, I jumped around a bit before running down the stairs to answer it.  "Alice! It has been a week, but I missed you like crazy!" Francine chirped. She looked beautiful as always, beautiful inside and out.

She jumped into the doorway and pulled me in for a hug. Huh..... I think I might be in heaven right now. "No need to be so affectionate," I laughed letting her hug me. I closed my eyes to enjoy her arms so kindly around me. Every time she holds me I forget about all the bad in my life. I feel content for once. "Let's get some tea," I smiled pulling her to a seat. This was the first time she has been in my home, so I noticed how she looked around.

Francine kind of looked disturbed though. "What is wrong?" I asked concerned, and she shook her head. "It is just that you always try to avoid talking about ......what happens. Seeing your home inside.... is very different," she explained making my smile drop. "Sorry... I just do not want you to worry if I tell you details about my life," I looked down. "I just forget about everything when I am with you," I added, looking up at her. Her eyes widened as a blush grew on her face.

"As much as that makes me happy to hear, I just wish you would be more open about things with me. I worry about you," she said sadly standing up. "I should get the tea ready," I said backing away slowly. She looked serious, she will not let me avoid talking about it this time. "Alice, please, talk to me," she followed me into the kitchen. I put the kettle of water on the stove, breathing out as I walked to take a seat at the dining room table.

"I do not know where to start," I laughed nervously thinking about everything. Francine took a seat beside me and gave me a reassuring smile. "I am here, do not worry," she added as I adjusted myself in my seat to start.

"Alfred changed after we married..... he was a sweet guy, but it is like he became a different person. When he first hit me, it was because I did not feel like having sex. He forced himself on me...... and he- he would not stop hitting me until I stayed still... so I stopped moving," I started looking to Francine who looked horrified, "Has that happened more than once?" She asked, and I nodded. "It still happens," I answered, and she looked pissed off.

"He sent me to the hospital two years ago when I tried to leave....he pushed me down the stairs, and I broke my arm. He threatened to kill me if I were to Leave him," I explained she stood up quickly, punching the table harshly. "Calm down," I begged, standing up to hold her arm. "Alice! Let me take you away—you and Amelia. We will leave for a different country if you want. I will put you back in school and help you get you back on your feet" she held my hand as she begged quickly.

"I can not; he will find us, I want to protect Amelia, and if he finds out more about you, I could not live if he were to do something to you," I started to cry, shaking my head. "I will never let that happen. Please, go with me somewhere, us and the girls," she looked at me seriously. I have no idea if she is serious or not. "You can not be serious, right?!" I asked, holding onto her as well.

"ALICE, WHOSE CAR IS THAT IN OUR DRIVEWAY!" The front door opened quickly I felt my heart fall to my feet, horrified. I was too afraid to look away from Francine, but she looked for me instead. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Alfred hissed, looking to Francine. "I am Amelia's teacher; I came to discuss how exceptional your daughter is," Francine said calmly, making me breathe out a bit scared.

Alfred quickly gets rid of his horrifying behavior once seeing Francine turn to him. I looked to Alfred, who had lust in his eyes as he stared at Francine. It pissed me off, and I felt like ripping his eyes off so he would look away from her. Francine must have noticed his stare, too, since she shuffled a bit uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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