Chapter nine

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"Mama are you okay?" Amelia asked me, worried as I tucked her in. "Yes, I am fine. Daddy and I are just going to talk for a bit so I need you to do me a favor," I smiled making her nod determined. "Put these on....and if you hear anything, don't come out of your room for any circumstance. If you are scared, just hug tony the alien." I smiled as she made a strong hero face. I placed the ear muffs on her head as I walked out of the room. Seeing Alfred standing out there waiting for me.

Francine asked me to text her later tonight, and I had no idea if I would...Alfred looked at me so satanic that it scared me to the point where I needed to pee. He grabbed my arm roughly causing me to fall to the floor. "Wait please, she really just wanted to talk about Amelia," I cried as he dragged me down the stairs by my hair. "Please stop," I cried as I dragged my nails on the railings. To the point that some of them broke off. "SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH!" He yelled as I tried to pick myself up from the ground. "You know I do not like people in my house, I should have slapped you in front of her teacher," he hissed kicking me to the ground once more.

"I saw how guilty you looked. Tell me, are you having an affair with our child's teacher?" He asked, and I shook my head quickly. "No.... we are just friends," I cried as he punched my stomach. "You were out being a lesbian slut; why don't you call her so we can have some fun together?" He grabbed my neck, choking me tightly.

"No..." I choked out, seeing his eyes flare up in red. "Or would you rather have me have my way with a slut like her?" He laughed making my eyes widen in anger. "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON HER!!!" I yelled, grabbing his hand off my neck and punching him in the face. "Do what you want to me, but if you touch her.... so help me I won't hold back," I spat as he fell to the ground holding his face in shock. I hit him... What was I thinking?

I rushed to the kitchen phone to call Francine, but Alfred grabbed my head and slammed my face onto the counter, causing my glasses to break and a cut open on my forehead....dripping blood. "Let go," I cried as he started to unbutton my shirt. "No," he hissed holding me down. "Stop!" I cried trying to get away from him. "Heh, you are actually fighting back; I wonder what she has been telling you," he laughed, pulling my hair. "I SAID LET GO!!!" I yelled, pushing him off of me.

I quickly tried to run up the stairs to get Amelia; we were going to leave tonight, even if leaving my money and photos behind. "Where do you think you are going?" Alfred asked pulling my foot towards him. This caused me to fall on my face as he grabbed my leg tightly. "Stop fighting already!" He yelled. Suddenly.... as if time had stopped, I heard a loud crack.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in agony, feeling him crush my ankle. I used my other foot to kick him off me as I climbed up the stairs quickly to our bedroom, where I locked the door behind me. I looked down at my foot, and it fell to the side... broken. I crawled to the shelf to get my phone as I groaned in pain.

"Please answer," I cried, holding the phone to my face.
"Hello?" Francine said from the other line.
"Help me, please!!!! Come and get me...." I begged, realizing Amelia was in the other room.
"I am on my way," she hung up as I heard a chuckle come from the hallway. "No! Amelia!" I cried, getting my strength together to leave the room again. I opened the door and looked into the hallway, seeing Alfred about to walk into her room. "Get away from her."

He turned around, seeing me, chuckling as I struggled to pick myself up. "You are pathetic and realize that woman is not your friend. She is only pretending because it is funny to watch a pathetic woman like yourself," he hissed as I felt tears fall down my cheeks slowly. "You are wrong about her," I cried, walking toward him. "Now, Get away from my daughter's room," I said, trying to be strong. He walked to me and pulled out a pocket knife. "What will you do? Kill me? It can't be worse than this," I laughed, falling to the ground.

He grabbed my hair tightly, yanking it towards him. "Help... Francine," I cried, trying to lift myself up so I would not be hanging from my hair. "What? Do you think your teacher friend will come to your rescue? That is a joke," Alfred laughed, shaking me as I continued to cry. Francine.... please hurry. I squinted my eyes as I listened to him laugh evilly.

"PUT her down now," Alfred stopped laughing as we both turned to look at Francine, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "What has he done to you, Ma Cherie" she cried as she looked at me. Alfred then threw my head to the side and looked at her. "Take her; she needs to go to the hospital anyway," Alfred glared at Francine as I started to crawl towards her. "I got you," she said, picking me up in a bridal style.

"Wait, Amelia" I pointed to the room, and Alfred looked at us. "She will stay here.... leave before I change my mind," he looked at me. "No... my baby," I cried, and Francine looked pissed off. "I won't hurt her, but I will if you try anything," he looked at us seriously as he showed us his knife. "We will come back for her with the police," Francine whispered to me, making me nod, terrified.

"My baby," I cried as she rushed down the stairs. Blood was staining her pants as she finally saw my broken ankle. "Oh god," she cried.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️😭

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