Chapter eleven

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"Where did all this money come from?" He asked, pushing me to take a seat. "I... I was saving money," I said slowly. I could not think of an excuse this time. Alfred was not stupid he knew when something was off. "Maybe I should call your friend and have her explain?" he looked at me angrily as I started to cry. "No, please don't," I cried more. I hoped to save that money for when Francine and I left with the girls. "Tell me, you are having an affair with that whore, aren't you?" he pulled my hair yelling.

"Mama?" I heard a tiny voice call making my eyes widen. "Amelia! You should be upstairs, baby, go and play," I rushed to stand up with my broken ankle. "But mama," She said sadly. She saw! What have I done? This is all my fault. I do not deserve to live. "Please hurry darling," I smiled pushing her up the stairs. Amelia looked back one last time before disappearing into her room. "Please, I do not want her to see," I cried falling to the floor. "Get up; you are pathetic to look at," he snapped at me.

I stayed on the floor crying, and he was annoyed. "I said get up!" He yelled, pulling my hair and dragging me across the floor slowly. He could do what he wanted; I did not care anymore. "Francine....forgive me," I cried out quietly. "So I was right; I see your lesbian tendencies are back. Disgusting," he laughed at me as I tried to hide my face away from him. "Tell me, have the both of you had sex already? I am interested to know the things she has been doing to MY wife. Maybe I should have my way with her?" he laughed

I pushed him away from me and looked at him angrily. "You are not allowed to lay a finger on her," I snapped, and he continued to laugh at me. "Why?" He asked, smirking. "BECAUSE I LOVE FRANCINE, I LOVE HER AS I HAVE NEVER LOVED ANYONE BEFORE," I yelled at him. His face dropped at my words as his face grew angry. "Take it back right now," he ordered, and I shook my head. "NO! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled, turning away as he grabbed me by my neck and started to choke me.

"Tell me you love me; you love me more. That you were joking, say it now!" He said with a shaking voice as I started to smirk at him. "Who would ever love an asshole like you?" I laughed at him. His face actually looked hurt by what I said. He held my neck tighter as it started to get harder to breathe. Until we suddenly heard a loud thud that caused us to turn in that direction. "What?" Alfred asked, confused as we looked to the front door. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he still held onto my neck tightly.

Suddenly, another loud thud followed by the door collapsing occurred. My mouth dropped as I saw the last person I thought to see. "Let Alice go right now," he hissed. "Allistor?" I said, shocked as Alfred quickly let go of my neck. My brother was here. "How?" I said shocked as he walked in....along with my other two older brothers. "A woman named Francine got a hold of us a few days ago, so we came once we heard what was happening" Dylan looked at me horrified at the sight.

"If we knew you would be planning to do this to our little sis, we would not have allowed you to marry her, "Seamas walked in. "Brothers" I cried. I had no idea when I would see them ever again. "Alice! I am here! Amelia! She called me!" I heard a sweet voice call, pushing through my brothers. "Francine?" I said softly, looking at her and taking a deep breath. "Wait! How did Amelia know how to call you" I said, shocked, and she gestured to me in a "that's not important right now" kind of way. All four of them looked to Alfred still over me.

"How it does not make sense; I made sure you could not speak to them," Alfred said, horrified, looking at me. "I kept a postcard," I explained trying to crawl away, but he pulled me back toward him. "Let go of her already! There is no point to do this!" Francine said as my brothers started to come closer to Alfred. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" Alfred yelled, pulling out a gun.

"Put the gun down!" Allistor demanded as Alfred waved the gun around until it was finally at my head. "It is because of Francine that Alice started getting ideas," Alfred looked to Francine, who glared at Alfred. "Mama?" Everyone stopped the glaring contest and looked to the stairway at a terrified Amelia. "Honey, What did I say!? Go back upstairs now," I called, moving my hand in a pushing way to get her to leave her room. Francine rushed to Amelia and grabbed her in her arms.

"You! You are just trying to split my family apart," Alfred yelled, pointing the gun at Francine now. Allistor grabbed Francine and hid her behind him. "I never liked you either," Alfred laughed, pulling the trigger back. "NOOOO!!!!" I yelled. I quickly pulled myself away from him, knocking the gun out of his hands, and causing it to fall across the floor.

I stood up quickly in pain as I ran to pick the gun up. "Stay down," I looked to Alfred, pointing the gun at him. "Heh, you won't do anything. You are too weak," Alfred cackled, standing up as I put my hand on the trigger. "Be careful," he said, scared as I shook with the gun. He was right; I could not pull the trigger. I put the gun down, pushed the trigger up, and looked at him breathing heavily. "You are right... I can not. Not in front of everyone," I breathed out, tired.

Thanks for reading so far❤️😭

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