Chapter thirteen

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~third person pov~

"It looks bad; she could die or lose her ankle," Dylan explained making Francine angry. "Well! Hurry and save her, please.....I love her," Francine begged angrily. "I will do my best," Dylan said before Francine stopped off down the stairs. She looked around the living room floor and saw Alfred about to crawl away. "Where do you think you are going?" Francine asked as she used her heel to press his stomach against the floor. "Alice might die because of you," Francine hissed as she whisked harder. "Ahhhh," Alfred wept.

"You deserve worse than her," Francine looked at him in an evil way. "If she dies, I will kill you in the worst way possible. I will castrate you and feed you your own penis." Francine threatened as she looked down at him, struggling. "If she dies, I would be sad too," Alfred looked at her. "No!!! You are not allowed to be sad!" Francine yelled at him. "And why not? She is MY wife. She is not yours. She loved me first, so what makes you different?" Alfred laughed at Francine as she began to get angry.

"Get up," Francine yelled, pushing him closer to the floor. "Why? Do you want to fight me or something? I will win," Alfred laughed at her in a pathetic way. "You are not allowed to be sad because you are the reason she is about to die!" Francine yelled with tears streaming down her face. "Like you could either? You split a marriage apart, you should feel awful, being a home wrecker; I wonder what your daughter must think knowing her mother is a WHORE!!!" He yelled.

"SHUT UP!!!" Francine yelled, punching Alfred in the face. "What? Can't you take the truth? You are as pathetic as Alice," Alfred laughed. "I wanted to protect her from you," Francine looked at him as she stepped back. "Why? Did she ask you for help? You just did what you wanted, not considering how she felt. How selfish," Alfred looked at her, smirking.

Francine kept looking at him with disgust as she started to realize that she was the one that tried to get Alice to open up more to her. "I love her, and I would not do anything to hurt her," Francine said, trying to stay strong. "Heh, you already have hurt her, whether you realize it or not. If she dies, it is your fault, and I hope you cannot live with yourself after that," Alfred laughed, making Francine punch him in the jaw.

"Go ahead, punch me all you like. It is not like it will be able to take away your guilt." Alfred continued to laugh at her as she climbed on top of him. Hitting him back and forth with her fists. "I will never hurt her as you have. I have not and never will. I may have come between the two of you, but it is because I care. So you can just shove that comment up your ass where it came from!" Francine yelled in his face as she threw his head back.

"I hope you get what you deserve... in jail because that is where you will be going," Francine huffed out as she cried Over Alfred. "You look like you want to kill me.... if you do, you will be the one going to jail. Then what would happen to your precious daughter?" Alfred spat out blood, laughing at her. "Shut up already; you are pathetic."

"Me? Pathetic? As if," Alfred laughed at Francine. "You beat a woman and are proud of it. You had to go for someone weaker than you. That is pathetic" Francine glared at him as she started to stand up from him. All Francine could see was how she hoped Alice could pull through. Just one more time, for her.  "Let's take a look, shall we," Alfred laughed, pulling up Francine's skirt.

"How dare you!!!" Francine yelled, punching him in the face one more time. "Can you blame me? You are hot. No wonder my lesbian of a wife decided to have an affair with you. I would have too if you did not play for the other team," Alfred laughed as he checked Francine up and down. "Your wife is suffering, and all you can think about is that?" Francine asked, angered. She was disgusted with the sight of that man that she forced herself to look away from him.

"Come on, how about we forget this happened, and I show you a good time. Maybe I can convert you back to straight. I am sure your daughter would not mind having a new daddy either," Alfred continued to mock. With a swift movement, Francine turned to Alfred and shoved her heel against his stomach, to the point where he started to cry out in pain.

"Come with me," Francine hissed, pulling him by the hair up the stairs. "How does it feel, huh?" Francine laughed as he lay face down on the top floor. "Look at what you did to your wife." Francine pointed, crying as she stared at an unconscious Alice. "You did that, not me... and how dare you blame your evilness on someone else." Francine sobbed as Allistor caught sight of the scene. "I love her! Not you,"

"I love her so much, and you are taking her away from me," Francine cried as Allistor held her fist back from Alfred's face. "Calm down; everything will be alright; Dylan will make sure she doesn't go away," Allistor said sadly as he held Francine in his arms. "She is mine now, not yours. You will no longer be allowed to hurt her anymore," Francine cried as she fell to the floor.

Francine was starting to lose her sense of thinking about the death of her beloved. "Do not worry, Francine," Allistor tried to reassure the weeping woman on the floor.

Thanks for reading so far❤️

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