Chapter fifteen (final)

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Five years later

"Mom, we are going to be late" Maddie called and I shuffled around the house to get my things. "Yes I know, one moment," I laughed nervously getting the car keys. "Mama and Amelia are waiting," she laughed seeing what a mess I was. It was their birthday picnic in the park, and I forgot the cake. The girls were turning twelve, they really grow up so fast. "Okay, let's go" I laughed as we walked out the door.

After the fiasco, Alfred was taken to jail, and I was granted full custody of Amelia. I received compensation from Alfred's work for the abuse I faced. With my money, We all moved to Europe, back with my family here in London. I saw my mother for the first time in eight years and met Francine's brother. I was living in a fairy tale really. 


"You are late as always my love," Francine laughed taking the cake from my hand and setting it down on the ground. "Do you hear that?!" Amelia asked as she pointed to the music. "Yes....?" I said, confused. "It is so lovely," Amelia said in a dreamy way that caused everyone to chuckle.

"It is! Would you like to dance, my beautiful wife?" Francine asked, holding her hand out for me. "You know I do not dance," I laughed at her gesture as the girls urged me to accept. "Just for a minute?" Francine asked, smiling as I shook my head in an amusing way. "Fine, I give up"I laughed taking Francine's hand in mine. With a swift movement, she pulled me up to my feet gently as she started to spin me around. "My love, you are as beautiful as the flowers around us, but even that is an understatement," Francine flirted as she spun me around.

"Flattering will get you nowhere my dear," I made a joking face as her face smiled brightly. "How cute," Maddie smiled putting her chin on her hand as she stared at us dancing to the music. The song was "a true kinda love" it always made Francine want to dance with me. "Your mother is being extra as usual children," I laughed as Francine continued to hold my wrist gently in her hands. I closed my eyes slowly as I felt the wind blow through my hair as I let her spin me around.

"Francine, we have a party to tend to," I laughed, and she dipped me. "You make me the happiest woman alive. How is that possible?" She asked, looking into my eyes. "I have no idea; how could you be the most romantic person I have ever met?" I asked in a joking way as she started to kiss every spot on my face. "Ewww" Amelia joked as Maddie continued to stare in adoration. "I think it is lovely," Maddie smiled, holding onto Amelia tightly in a hug. Maddie seemed to be growing into a hopeless romantic.

Francine finally let me sit down as I opened the picnic basket with our food in it. "Thank you for the food," Amelia cheered sticking her hand in the basket to dig into the chicken sandwich Francine had prepared for us all. "The cake looks so good," Amelia stares at the dessert with sparkles in her eyes. "Eat your food first dear," Francine laughed handing her some juice. "With pleasure!" Amelia smiled determinedly as she started to eat the food quickly. "Slow down; the cake is not going anywhere," I laughed pulling the food away so she would calm down for a second.

"Yeah Amelia, you could choke," Maddie sassed as Amelia turned to her making a silly face. "It is physically impossible for me, the hero, to choke!" Amelia joked. "That is not right at all, and it amazes me that you think it is accurate," Maddie shook her head laughing. Both of them were something else. Always full of happiness and light, there was never a dull moment with them around. "You are both silly," Francine laughed as she handed Maddie juice as well. "Let's see who can drink it faster!" Amelia jumped as she pointed to Maddie's drink.

"I will pass; Maddie crossed her arms in an "x" way, telling her no. "No fun, "Amelia said sadly as she ate her sandwich. "Maybe another time," Maddie smiled sipping her juice slowly. "Look, she sips it like how you sip your tea," Francine pointed out. Amelia and Francine started to chuckle as Maddie grew red. "Do not!" She said and looked at me as I smiled a bit. "I have no idea darling," I smiled sipping my wine and Amelia pointed at me. "Mama! It is true," she joked. "It is fine if it is" I smiled at Maddie.

"Just like how you sometimes tie your hair up like mama," I laughed pointing to Francine and Amelia who looked at each other in a shocking way. "That is true," Maddie giggled as Amelia looked at her, shocked. "Do I really?" Amelia asked as she stared at her hands. As if hurt that she allowed herself to pick up such a habit. "It is cute, don't worry," I smiled, patting her head softly as we all continued to laugh and eat together as a family. I felt so happy and content that I could not help but close my eyes to feel the breeze.

This is a dream come true, to be here with everyone like this. The terrible events in my life had finally come to an end, and I was living a happy life with a happy family. Thinking about it always made me tear up a bit. With happiness, of course. "Are you Alright, my love?" Francine asked sweetly looking at me in a concerned way. "I am just perfect...darling," I smiled, holding her hand close to mine. "That is good," she smiled, looking back to the children. I never want this to end.... this moment of content.


That's all guys!!!!! Now that the urge to write this story is over, I plan to go back to the hetalia in wonderland one. Which should actually be short.
Anyway, thank you for reading, this was a very interesting one to write. And it only took me like three days to write, I am getting faster lmao ❤️❤️❤️❤️ bye bye, until next time ❤️❤️❤️

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