Chapter five

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"Anyway, what about you?" I changed the subject quickly. "Ahh yes, well, Madeline and I moved here from France a year ago. She does not know her father since he left me before she was born" she explained making me feel sad. "Do not worry, I left France so she would not have to see that bastard's face ever" she hissed making me gulp. "Now tell me, what is a beautiful woman such as yourself always dressed like a Tom boy?" she laughed as I rolled my eyes in a playful way.

"I like my style, do you not?" I asked chuckling. "It is horrid, but in a good way," she smiled at me once more in a sweet way. "So, what is your husband like? I am sure he must feel lucky to have such a woman as yourself all to himself," she winked. I had never had someone say that to me, it made me embarrassed to even talk. "Ahhh... you don't mean that," I laughed nervously. "But I do. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," she tilted her head in a flirtatious way. "I am nothing special. I am ugly, people tell me," I laughed out, and she shook her head.

"Whoever told you that lie must be insane and possibly blind. I would be lucky to have someone as pretty as you," she smirked making me smile nervously." um.... well, my husband, to the question-haha, he works as a lawyer. Very dedicated to his work-." I started before getting cut off. "I mean his personality my dearest," she smiled making me nod as I stayed silent. I had no idea how to describe him, even if I tried to sugarcoat things. I could not do it.

"Well....he...." I could not finish as she finally relaxed her face. "Tell me, how did you really get that bruise? I may be nice, but I am not stupid to see signs." She started. Making my face drop the smile I was trying so hard to keep up. "He does not mean to do it.... he just gets upset, and drinks too much," I felt tears stream down my face saying those words. It burned my throat to have even breathed them out. "Does she know?" Francine asked, and I shook my head. "I try to make sure she does not see," I explained making her nod.

"I should kill him," she said squeezing her fist. "What? No!" I said worriedly touching her hand slowly to calm down her anger. "He does not know you are here, does he," she looked at me seriously as I shook my head. "I could not ask to go, he would not let me," I explained and she nodded. "Alice, let me help you," She stood up looking at me. "No! I do not want you to," I said with terror in my voice. Her eyes grew sad as she looked at me.

"What kind of things did he do to you to make you so terrified of leaving?" She asked, touching my hair slowly. As she did, I felt a tad bit of pain from when Alfred pulled my hair hard last night. "Alice, your eyes have sadness in them," she looked at me sadly. "I will be fine... I promise," I tried to reassure. However, she did not look satisfied.

"Say, is the tea ready?" I asked changing the subject. "Yes, it should be," she smiled, walking into the kitchen. I adjusted myself in my chair as the girls came running down. "Mama, look," Amelia cheered, showing me a drawing. "That is amazing. Is it for me?" I asked, and she nodded handing me the picture. "What happened to your face?" Madeline asked in an innocent tone as Francine entered the room.

"My mamma fell down. She is always falling down, especially at night. She said she can't see where she is going, one time she fell down the stairs and went to the hospital," she laughed grabbing my hand in an innocent way. I looked over to Francine who stared horrified. "Sometimes I fall down," Madeline said in a reassuring way. "True that everyone does fall every now and then, but is always good to pick yourself back up." I smiled at the young girl as she nodded. "But of course, there is always so much someone could take from the impact," Francine added handing me the tea.

"Take some and play upstairs," I smiled, handing Amelia some food. "Let's draw more pictures!" Madeline chimed as they both ran back upstairs. "What happened?" Francine asked, looking down. "It is not important right now; let's just forget about right now.... to enjoy this moment of peace," I smiled, sitting back on my chair as I started to close my eyes. "Let's go outside," Francine looked at me, smiling. I nodded, standing up as I followed her to the back porch. It was windy and cool since it was the fall season; I could not wait till winter came; it is always my favorite.

I loved watching the snow, and it gave me a better opportunity to cover up the bruises that I got from Alfred. "Alice, you seem like a caring person," Francine looked at me as I took a seat on a rocking chair. "Really? I always thought of myself in a bad way," I laughed, closing my eyes to feel the breeze on my face. "How so?" She asked, voice echoing around us. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her, pulling a smile across my face.

"Because I must have done something wrong to have been granted a life like this" I pressed my lips together in a reassuring way. "If that were the case, Alfred would have it worse. Maybe, things happen that we can't control.....that's all I know as much," she turned away from me slowly as we looked off into the backyard in silence.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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