5: miku-chan's first day! :OO

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Watashi drag a teal colored suitcase behind me. It's got wheels with negi designs on it.

Watashi'm trying to find this goddamn school. It's almost like it isn't real. Watashi've passed by this castle thing like, five times. But there's no school.

Amerika is wack.

Watashi run over to a person at a hot dog stand. He looks really dumb. He's got a hot dog costume on and, frankly (no pun intended), watashi'm a little bit terrified. But watashi need directions.

"Konnichiwa!! Do you know where watashi can fnd Yamaha Academy???" Watashi ask. Really hoping I don't get kidnapped.

Oh boy! I said a normal English sentence! Let's hope it stays that way.

"Oh, just take a right at the next intersection," Hot Dog Man says. "Can I interest you a bacon wrapped hot dog?"

"Sure!!" Watashi-- >:( --- fish my wallet out of my purse bag thingy and take out a money. "Here you go!"

Hot dog man takes the cash and hands me a hotdog. It's really good! But I still lowkey prefer negi.

But I'm still gonna act like it's the best thing I've ever had, just to be polite

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But I'm still gonna act like it's the best thing I've ever had, just to be polite.

"Kore wa oishii desu!!" Watashi exclaim. "Arigatougozaimasu!!"


"Hi, how can I help you?"

Watashi finally found the school. It's huge. And terrifying.

"Uhhh...... I'm. New student. "

"Oh you must be Miku! Here's your key. Have fun!!" The lady at the reception desk yells before physically yeeting me out.

"....Alrighty then."

Time to find my room, I guess. It can't be that hard.

...Turns out it's really confusing, cause I have no idea where to find it.

But I hear someone walking down the hall! That's gotta be good.

"Um!! Hey, you! Can you help me?"

A green haired girl stops and stares at me for a minute. "Uh.. sure."

"So watashi'm looking for my room, but I can't find it."

"Oh that happens to everyone!! You're in room 039, its on the second floor." The green haired girl grins. "My names sonika! We should hang out some time! Im in a band btw u should come C R next show :) ill TXT u R myspace page!"

"Ah .. ok?"

Watashi just leave. She seems creepy. So creepy that I'll probably get a text from her  within the next few minutes.

Watashi was chilling in the elevator.

Then my phone went off.

Jesus fuck.

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now