ch13; visiting!

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Well, today's the day... Today, watashi am finally getting to visit my old friends again!

Watashi begged otou-san and okaa-san to let watashi travel back to Nihon for a few days, since watashi havent been able to maintain communication with some of them, and watashi just really miss watashi's tomodachi anyway.

The plane ride was really boring, but after for-fucking-ever, watashitachi arrived in Nihon.

Watashi didn't tell Luka-san that watashi'd be coming back here (for a brief period of time), since watashi wanted to surprise her and everyone else.

But uh, guess it was Miku that got the surprise, not everyone else ._.

So now I'm sitting in my FAVE maid cafe just chilling.

Anyways I found the anti-weeb meds earlier! I took some and it seems they're finally kicking in. It made the flight a lot more enjoyable.

"Heeeeeeey Luka! Guess what!" I exclaim into the phone.

"What?" A tired-sounding Luka asks.

"I'm in town!! :D" I exclaim.

"Oh, cool." Luka says. "But I've got to go love you bye."

"Oh??? Bye :/" I state after Lukas already hung up. That sucks.

Now im just standing outside the cafe alone.

But SUDDENLY a hand covers my mouth!!!!! And grabs me and pulls me back!!!! :OOOOOOOO

In my desperate struggling to escape, the anti-weeb meds fall from my pockets. Oh nooooooooo.

Suddenly. Everything goes black!!!

Tasukete!!!! あああああああああ!!!!!

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now