chapter 3: 何?!?

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"No. Nononononono." Watashi was NOT allowing that. "Watashi am NOT going to Amerika."

"You're not just going there, Miku! You're moving there!!" Otou-san exclaims excitedly.

"No. No way in Hell. Watashi am not going to die in one of their goddamn weekly mass shootings."

"Aww, you won't die! We bought you some security guards for the private school you'll be attending! The worst that'll happen is that you get fatally injured!"

"Fatally injured means you're gonna die."

"Haha, funny, Miku-chan. Whatever. Your flight is next Monday!"

"A week from now?!"

"Yep, see ya, bye!!!!"

"Ah fuck." Watashi sigh, turning to Mikuo-kun. "Kimi wanna help watashi plan out a way to fake watashi's death?"



Watashi give up. It's probably best to return to my heya for now.


America. Oh Kami-sama.

Watashi'm just so used to Nihon that it's gonna be Weird AF.

Watashi stare at the contents of my room. Large kawaii meigurimis line my bed. The bedsheets have a very kawaii heart pattern.

Really should've taken watahsi's meds. It's annoying talking like... anata know....

Whatever. Guess watashi should start packing.

Instead of ackshually packing, watashi pulled out her phone.

NegiGirl039: moshimoshi minna

KPop4Life: Hi miku!!

XxSasukeTunaxX: hi Miku!!!! <333

NegiGirl039: MK soo like. bad news.  miku-chan's goin 2 Amerika.

No one responded within 0.0000001 seconds, so watashi threw the phone down dramatically and started packing.

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now