Chapter 1: Konnichiwa!

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Konnichiwa! My name is Hatsune Miku. I'm a sixteen-year-old student at Sakura High School. I have really long, pretty teal hair that never tangles, bright blue eyes that never lose their sparkle and flawless skin! I'm just too kawaii for this world :3

If you read my first journal-thingy, you might be questioning why I'm speaking so weirdly! That's because Mr. Hiyama taught me that I was speaking incorrectly. I hardly ever do that now!

Speaking of Sakura High School and Mr. Hiyama, I'm actually at the top of all my classes! No one's smarter than me-- not to brag or anything, but I'm kind of a girl genius :)

"Miku!! Why aren't you up yet?"

That must be my big brother, Mikuo! He's really cool. He makes me breakfast every morning and takes care of me. He's so cool.

"Sorry Mikuo-kun!!" I yell back. "Watashi was just doing the whole inner monologue thing again, gomenne!"

"It's okay, Miku! I know you can't help it :)" 

I ran downstairs, tugging my perfectly detangled twintails out of my seifuku's shirt. "Ohayo, Mikuo-kun! What's for asagohan?" I ask, plopping down into the chair nearest to me at the table.

Mikuo sets down a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. 

"Wow!! Mikuo-kun, arigatogozaimasu!!" I exclaim. "Itadakimasu!" I add before starting to chow down. 

"Better hurry up, or you'll be late, Miku!" Mikuo states.

"Oh, crap!! You're right!! Watashi can't be late!!" I yell, stuffing a piece of toast into my mouth. "Sayonara, Mikuo-kun!!"

I run out the door, toast in mouth. Mr. Hiyama said we have a really important test today! 

Oh, by the way, did I mention I saved the world once? :) Not to brag, but I totally saved everyone's collective ass. That's a story for later, though, because right now I'm gonna be late~~~!!!!!!!!

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now