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When I wake up again, everything around me is... nothing.

Everything's dark, void, null.

I can hear Sceneku, Anon, Piko, Fukase, and Miku squabbling around me, and I can feel them as they move by, but I can't SEE them.

I'm just beginning to question this when I realize something: the last thing that I remember happening before I woke up is me getting fucking obliterated by the Sexy Pink Lady From Earlier, apparently known as Luka, and then fucking dying.





"Hey, um, Terinzi? You good?" Sceneku asks, gently placing a hand on my left shoulder as she crouches beside me.

"UM... Y34H... Y34H, 1M GOOD." I say. You know, like a liar.

I am currently the farthest thing from good that there is. I'm badder than the Onceler.

"You don't sound too good," Fukase states. "You sure?"

".....Y3ah... yeah..."

"just let it out, u'll feel better if u have a good cry," Piko says. "smetimes life is a bithc </3"

"Hey, Piko... I dunno if it's the best time to say that, considering we're dead," Sceneku states.

As this point, I'm mumbling incoherently without any regard for my carefully crafted speaking quirk. "we're dead. oh my god, i'm dead. we're all dead."

"Hey, it's not that bad," Anon says, shrugging. "We went to the dark side. I'm sure if we look hard enough, we'll find the cookies."

Sceneku adds, "I mean, we were all gonna die anyways. It just happened sooner rather than later."

"yeah, but being dead sucks," i protest. "now i can't do anything. ever. for until we die our second ghost death. which will probably never happen."

"Well, we can wander around," Fukase offers. "Pretty sure I have a flashlight and a trumpet somewhere within my cargo shorts."

"Do those things really just function like never-ending pockets?" Anon asks. 

"Yup," Fukase answers. "Oh, here it is! Let's go look around. Come on, Remy."

"...Did you just call her 'Remy'?" Sceneku asks. I can't see her, but I literally hear her grimace.

"What? That's her name, isn't it?"

Sceneku sighs. "Oh my god, you're stupid. It's 'Rinzi' that we call her for short, not 'Remy', you fuck."

"Fukase is indeed a fuck," Anon agrees.

"Okay so instead of bullying me, can we just go look around for other people within the realm of probable death?"

"sure," I state, having recomposed myself a bit. Not too much-- just enough to be able to quit mumbling.

Fukase digs around in his pockets for a minute-- at least, I assume that's what he's doing since I can't see shit-- before whipping out a flashlight.

"Well, since you're all acting like moths, behold: light." Fukase grins at the comment he intends to be witty. 

It is not.

We're beginning to head off in whatever direction is before us when Sceneku stops.

"Hey, Weebku, you coming?" Sceneku asks.

"Oh! Yeah," Miku states, standing up and dusting off her skirt. Funny, I don't recall her ever owning a skirt like that. Or a sweater that had fancy LED lights attached to it. Wonder where she got them?

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now