8: >:/

22 2 0

So watashi was just chilling at her desk like usual. Y'know, being chill.

....this is only the second day I've been at this school, but still.

"Heyyyyyyy, Miiiiiiikuuuuu!" a voice calls. It sounds preppy. And like a valley girl. Whom the fuck--

"Soooo, like, we heard you're a really big popstar in Japan, riiiiiiiiiiight?"

"Uh, I dunno." Am I? Watashi don't remember being a popstar at all. 

I mean, savior of literally like two or three universes and a kawaii-as-fuck high school girl, yeah, but popstar? Nah.

"Oooooooooohhh. Okay then."

It's the girl with the split-dyed hair. Of course.

Munch munch. Eat preps for breakfast.

Watashi kind of half-ass listen to her-- apparently Galaco is her name, what a weird name.

"And so I was like---" Galaco cuts herself off. "Oh."

Watashi follow her gaze to the door.

There's a group of three people walking in. Two of them look similar; one has long pink hair while the other has short purple hair, but they look like twins. And then there's someone with really short white hair that has a black streak running thru it.

They're all kawaii as fuck.

But watashi also has no idea what they are. Are they boys? Girls? Aliens?

Watashi keep doodling. Watashi'm glad that I picked up a sketchbook before leaving Nihon.

Oh, hey, look! There's watashi's weird friend who speaks in numbers!

"Hey, Rin!" Watashi call out. She gives me that look. Whoops. Must've messed up her name.

"h3y, m1ku. >:/"

"What's wrong?" Watashi ask, ignoring the fact that watashi messed up her name.

"t1r3d. sorry."

"Oh, okay. Hey, do you know who those three are?"

"m1koto, h1m3, 4nd flow3r."

"Cool! I'm gonna introduce myself to them later. Since class is about to start and all." Watashi shrug. "So how's your morning been?"

"1m fuck1ng 3xh4ust3d. d1dnt g3t much sl33p l4st n1ght. 4nd 1 d1dnt g3t 4ny br34kf4st 31th3r s1nce 1 wok3 up l4t3."

"RIP," watashi respond.

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now