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You already have arms, dumbass

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You already have arms, dumbass. You just can't see them.

Hahaha. Okay. Good one, me. Good one. It's almost like that would only make sense between me and fictional me. Hahaha.

Hahahaha......... ha.........

........Yeah fuck that, that was a dumb joke. My sincerest apologies to whomever invented Humor. I should never have desecrated your sacred name in exchange for mere seconds worth of dopamine.

Writing is hard, especially when you have to adjust bits and pieces of your self-insert character's traits to fit within the preexisting canon.

"RIN!" A voice behind me barks.

I turn. Lenjamin is standing behind me, hovering ominously in my doorway. His presence is typically ephemeral, unless his intent is to harass me, in which case he stays for as long as he likes.


"Dinner's ready."

"OH. OK4Y. T3LL 4UNT 4NN 1LL B3 DOWN 1N 4 M1NUT3."


Lenjamin leaves, shutting the door behind him in a fashion that screams passive-aggressiveness. He's petty.

I turn around, facing my computer. The blue glow of the monitor illuminates my face against the darkness of my room.

...Why isn't she responding?

It's been a week since I last spoke to Miku. She said that she would be back in town by now, and yet she hasn't messaged me or responded to my messages for a week. School is starting back up soon, and it's an understatement to say that I'm concerned about her wellbeing.

Last active one week ago.

I know that she went on a rather abrupt trip back to Nihon, but in all honesty, considering I haven't heard a single word from her within a week, I'm kind of panicking. What if she's been kidnapped or something? She's not even armed and I know it. She is so laughably unprepared. I mean, if you're going to face your significant other who neglects to contact or respond to you, you should probably be armed. In fact, even when you're not doing that, you should be armed. You should never be more than six feet away from your most reliable weapon. I mean, seriously, find your -kind and stick to it. No point in shoving a weapon in your strife deck if you don't know how to use it. Why is Miku never armed. It's complete misappropriation of weapon culture. This is an utter travesty.

I purse my lips. My fingers fly over my keyboard, tapping away at the keys to sent one last message to Miku before heading downstairs. I'll have to contact her through other means if this isn't going to work.


After spending half an hour eating and the other half being bombarded with Oliver's original characters for various young adult novels, it's time to get cracking.

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now