gomenne minna-san ::((((

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konbanwa minna-san!!! author-chan here!!!

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konbanwa minna-san!!! author-chan here!!!

watashi'm so so SO gomennasai about the lack of updates here recently!! ! watashi have had some REALLY bad art block and also watashi've had issues with timeline stuff >:(

watashi've been really hard at work on later chapters though in the meanjikan!! watashive' gotten a TON of great ideas while doing the dishes so keep looking forward to that OwO

anyways remember to stay safe and wash ur hands!!!!! wear face masks if u leave the house!! hand sanitizer and all!!! don't hoard toilet paper!!!


what am watashi talking about??? there's no virus here in 2009 :P silly watashi!!

ANWYWAYS!!! stay hyped minna-san, the next chapter might take a while but it'lll be SUPER DUPER SUGOI!!!!! see kimi in the next chapter!!!




miku chan still has me captive guys shes watching me oh kami oh fuck

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