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**author's note: "sm3n" is pronounced as "smen". :)

".....Eto?" Watashi mumble. "Watashi wa doko desu ka?"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT.

did the anti-weeb meds stop working desu ka????? FUCK

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did the anti-weeb meds stop working desu ka????? FUCK. kore's not daijobu. at least, Luka-san the TRAITOR would think that >:/

Contrary to Luka-san's beliefs that she may or may not actually believe.........  watashi actually feel pretty damn yoi!!!!1!! ofr the ichi-st time in a while, watashi's head feels clear, and not like watashi'm in a near-constant state of slight dissociation.

Anyways... watashi push watashiself to watashi's feet.

"Doko the hell am watashi?!" Watashi gasp. "AND nani the hell am watashi wearing???????"

Ichi, watashi's sitting on the roof of a buileing BUT theres no apparent way to get down. no door or nothing. RIP door-kun watashitachi miss kimi xoxoxo rip 1993--2010
:(((((((( aishiteru door-kun :((

anywayz . around this rooftop are a bunch of pther rooftops. almost like watasis on a rooftop of a buoldung thats in. A  citty

bht nanis mor concerning is nani watashsn wearingm?????

watashis got on a metallic grey vest thinfy w/ a teal tie and a black and teal skirt. then watashi has thedsel weird arm sleeve/arm warmer thibgs no one knbows wtf theyre called, black thigh high boots w teal soles n trims n stuff, and tbis weird belt thing. v kawaii outfit 10/10 weird magic happenings. arigatougozaimasu dor rbe KAWAII as FCUCK outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Watashj look around.

The cktt is covered by nightfall. Jt is dark. Very dark.

"Onee-chan!" A very kawaii desu voice calls oiut.

"DARE THE FUCK ARE KIMI?" Watashi screech. Jesus. Dare the fuck is kore? 

There's a shoujo standing beind me wearign an EXACT copy of watahs's  outfit but in purple

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There's a shoujo standing beind me wearign an EXACT copy of watahs's  outfit but in purple.  Watash've only had this outfti for like five minutes but WATASHI'LLL BE DAMNED if anyone gets to fucking copy it.

"I'm Haruna Miku!" the Purple Girl exclaims. "Or Hatsune Misaki. Author-chan never made up their mind after all."

"Daijobu, but... naze did kimi call watashi 'onee-chan'?" watashi ask.

"Because you're my big sister!!!! :DDDD" Haruna-tan exclaims. 

"UM??????? Watashi don't have younger siblings???? Hell watashi barely even have any kohai???"

"Yeah; to your knowledge, you don't," Haruna-tan says darkly, "but the Fanloid Wiki says otherwise, Onee-chan."

"The nani?"

"Sorry, that's too meta for this fic :P" Haruna-tan states. "o3o Anyways... I guess I'd better get on with giving you some information."

"Information desu ka?"

"So, lets seeee..... WELL, Onee-chan, you've got a big storm coming :)" Haruna-tan states. "SM3N will be absolute hell to take down, so... Have fun with that." Haruna-tan taps her index finger against her lower lip. "Hrrrmmmmmmm...... Oh. Um, that'd be spoilers--- Well, I'll just say that SM3N won't be hard compared to what follows. Betrayal will be a hindrance, but do not let it prevent you from the end goal. Those who dissent from the Savior must repent."

"Kimi know... kore's not really helpful. At all. Or even information. Kore's just guessing at stuff, and also being hilariously cryptic."

"Hahaha... I know. That's because I was never developed as a character."

"Aw, really?" watashi ask, frowning. "Thats sad Haruna-tan :(((( what an asshole Author-chan is for not developing you!!!"

"Oh no I'm an original character from like five years ago. I was created before Author-chan knew how to write at all, so now I have no actual personality. But I WAS hit by a car at least three times within the fanfiction I originated from!!"

"what the FUCK????" watashi gasp. "ARE KIMI OKAY??????????"

"Hahaha yeah i'm good :)" Haruna-tan states.

"Um... daijobu," Watashi staet. 

Suddenyly there's a loud-ass noise!!

"Awww, daiben," watashi murmur. "Haruna-tan, nani the fuck is that...?"

"That's SM3N," Haruna-tan answers.

"Haruna-tan, watashi don't know what the fuck this 'smen' is."

"That's StickMaster3000," Haruna-tan explains. "She's the number one Minecraft Hunger Games player out there, onee-san. Legend has it, SM3N has won every single Minecraft Hunger Games that she's competed in using nothing but a diamond stick. She's not a force to be reckoned with, Onee-chan..." Haruna-tan blinks solemnly, a grim look on her face.

"...But it's your fate."

"What a Gamer Girl," watashi state nervously. Deflect negative emotions with humor. Gotta stay kawaii!!! >///////<

But then there's a loud roar and watashi turn arond and holy fucking shit what is THAT?????????

"THATS S-SM3N???" watashi gulp; this mofo's huge. 


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