chinsmad speshul

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"miku-chan! wake up! we're supposed to leave in about thirty minutes!"

Oh, kuso--! Watashi totally forgot! Today is Christmas eve! 

It's totally different than Kurisumasu, by the way. Kurisumasu is what we celelebrate over in Nihon. They happen on the same day-- December 25-- but are wildly different in tradition.  At least, watashi would presume so, as watashi have only experienced Kurisumasu so far.

"miku-chan you have to hurry up! rion's going to be here in about ten minutes, and then we're going to pick up terinzi and her siblings, and then rendezvous with everyone else."

"kyaaaaa! gomennasai!!"

Watashi jump out of bed and immediately begin getting dressed. Watashi put on a warm black peacoat that looks all adulty, but is actually kawaii as hell because there is exactly one (1) pastel pink neko embroidered on it. watashi toss on a cute grey skirt and black leggings too because why the hell not

"Don't worry nemu-chan! watashi's hurrying!" Watashi exclaim, running a brush though these excessively long teal twintails.

"she's parking right now. rion is already here. rion is inevitable." 

Watashi lather on some makeup and naturally look fucking STUNNING in it because, hey, watashi'm just like that :) it's not watashi's fault that watashi'm kinda-sorta perfect!! ;)

Watashi grab my purse and exit the bedroom. "Daijobu Nemu-chan, watashi'm ready to go! Gomennasai for taking so long." 

"it's okay, miku-chan! let's go," nemu-chan says.


Watashi stare out the window, contemplating stuff absentmidendly whilst listening to Terinzi and her siblings argue over dumb shit. 

"UGH. M1KU, WH4T DO YOU TH1NK W3 SHOULD DO?" Rinzi asks.

"Oh, gomennasai-- nani?" Watashi ask.

Rion, Nemu-chan's girlfriend, answers. "We're debating over whether we should go singing at people without their consent before or after chopping down a tree."

"Singing at people. That way watashitachi don't have to worry about watching the tree."

"TOLD YOU, L3NJ4M1N!" Terinzi snaps. 

Why the hell was he even invited? Everyone fucking hates him.

"i'll text the others," nemu-chan says.

.........After Rion parks, Terinzi crawls out of the car and, without any hesitance, grimaces. She watches the group of teens exiting the car parked in front of us with a thousand-yard stare.

"Nani is it?" watashi ask, practically jumping out of Rion's minivan. 

"1TS H1M." Terinzi-chan states, almost scoffing in disgust. 

Oh, hey, it's Flower!  Watashi've only spoken to them once or twice, but they're super nice. Intimidating, though. Flower dons a leather jacket emblazoned with patches and pins for various bands; beneath is a black t-shirt with a print of a white, circled letter A. Their jeans are also black. They don't seem to be a fan of color.

...Oh no. No, it wasn't they that Terinzi was pointing at. It was the horrendous version of Fukase that exists here in Amerika-- an atrociously filthy Juggalo, face caked in black and white body paint, interminably giddy from the inexorable consumption of a certain brand of copiously sugary soda.

"Fucking Christ," watashi mutter.

Watashi"m barely awake, but the others seem to decide on a classic Christmas carol to sing/shout at people whose house we visit, or the occasional unlucky, unsuspecting passerby.

i write a sequel to a legitimately bad vocaloid fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now