7: miku-chan の dorm room!

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"Yooo. Nemu-chan. Wassup."

"hi, miku-chan!" nemu chan says excitedly. "how's your first day been?"

"It's been good," watashi state, placing my backpack down by the door.

Now that watashi'm really able to look around the room, watashi can confirm that this room is adorable! The main room seems to split off into a hallway that I'm assuming would leave to the kind-of-tiny kitchen, the bathroom, and Nemu and watashi's rooms (Dex was telling me all about it-- jesus fuck he talks a lot).

The main room looks absolutely fucking adorable by the way. There's a decently sized TV placed on the left side of the room, on a TV stand. There's a coffee table, but then there's a brown-colored sofa which Nemu is sitting on. There's a lot of decor that's Cinnamoroll themed. Idk why. But it's kawaii AF.

"so, aside from me, have you made any friends?" Nemu asks, allowing me to sit beside her.

I tell her about our class and my opinions on them, and about the new friend group I seem to have been accepted into.

"oh, you're friends with rin?" Nemu asks. "that's cool! i haven't really seen very many people hang out with her, and i know it's hypocritical since i don't either, but i kind of feel bad for her because of it. she seems like she'd  be a nice person once you get to know her, but she's kind of... secluding herself, i guess."

"Oh, yeah. I mean, I'm not, like, close friends with her or anything..." watashi kind of feel embarrassed.  I mean i guess it's not a bad thing to be friends with the weird kids, but what if im bullied?

"well, i had fun talking, but i need to work on homework." Nemu-chan waves goodbye and heads off to her room.

Time to go decorate my new bedroom!

HM: hiya luka!!♡♡♡♡♡

ML: Hi Miku :o)

ML: How was your first day of school?

ML: In Amerika, at least. Haha.

HM: it was REALLY cool! I made a few friends & i think they're pretty awesome!! :DDDD

HM: And OMG youre not gonna believe this but

HM: therrs a girl who looks JUST like rin-chan!

ML: Really? How interesting.

ML: Does her name also happen to be Rin Kagamine? Haha.

HM: actually now that you say that idk if she told me her last name!

HM: But i do know that she goes by Terinzi!

HM: Which according 2 nemu-chan is long for Rin.

ML: Who is Nemu?

HM: Oh she's my roommate

HM: i should get everyone 2gether & get a pic! :D

ML: That would be nice.

HM: well i kind of need to go. byeeee luka-san! ♡♡

ML: Goodbye

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