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"So what are you getting?" Y/n ask demi as they stood in line at disneyland to get foood.

"Can you get me a burger please? I'm gonna go help sirah find a table for us and matt." Demi said "Thanks babe" She left the line and went to Sirah

It was finally Y/n turn to order. She was practicing what she was gonna order in her head.

"So can i get for you today?" The girl behind the counter ask

"Umm...can i please get 2 burgers, 2 drinks and one large cheese fries." Y/n ordered and smiled at the girl at the register

"Ok comin right up" she smirked. Y/n handed her the money to her. "Oh and by the way you are really cute"

Y/n blushed at her compliment. "Thank you. You have really pretty eyes" y/n said. She thought that she was just being nice and didnt think any further of it.

Y/n waited for her order then the girl handed her the food and gave y/n a wink before she went back to work

Y/n went to find where demi and sirah were sitting. "Hey baby, i got you your burger and we can go half-sies on the large cheese fries" she said happily. Her smile dissappeared when she saw demi glaring at her.

"Whats the problem honey?" Y/n ask

"You were clearly flirting with that girl over there?" Demi pointed out

"No i wasnt she just said i was cute so i thanked her and complimented her back." Y/n explained "All i said was that she has pretty eyes"

Once those words left her mouth demi made a face that says 'are you kidding me?'

"Ooooh someone's in trouble" sirah sing-sang. Both glared at sirah and she went back to eating her food

Demi began to ignore y/n giving her the silent treatment but before it can go any further y/n tried to fix it

"But you dems have prettier eyes, an amzing smile," Demi began to smile and looked at y/n. "a beautiful personality and a smoking hot body" y/n continued putting her arm around demi shoulder.

She pulled demi close giving her a few quick kisses on the cheek. "Am i forgiven" she gave her pout

"Damn you are so cute" demi kiss her on the lips. Just when she felt y/n was about to pull away. Demi kissed more harder and passionate and longer.

"Omg get a room." Sirah said and continued to talking to Matthew

Y/n pulled away ending the kiss. Demi saw that the girl was looking over their direction so she took y/n arm and put it around herself telling the girl that she was taken.

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